How to Approach a Girl - The Best Way to Overcome Approach Anxiety Forever!
Many men suffer from it and many men give excuses for it.
Approach anxiety is defined as a helpless sense of fear before the act of approaching a set which may result in the approach not being made at all.
The truth of the matter is that all of us suffer from approach anxiety, and this fear is emotional rather than logical.
Sure, all of us know that the worst thing that can happen is the the girl says no.
Or worse, if you are really bad, she will give you a tight slap.
But the fact is, you can't possibly die from whatever the girl tells you.
Words alone cannot crush you.
Everything negative that you have going is actually in your head.
Therefore, I have a surefire technique for you to overcome your approach anxiety: -Go up to any girl and say: "Is it OK if I talk to you?" This line is by far the worst line anybody can think of, to the point where it is almost absurd.
But the think that you want to overcome here is your approach anxiety.
Your aim is not to have the best interaction in the world.
You will be surprised at the kind of reactions that you get depending on your delivery.
This line is structured in such a way where it is expected of the girl to say no.
For her to say yes would be a big bonus.
This line is beautiful, in a way where you do not need to be someone else, or to ask for an opinion or anything.
You are being extremely genuine about it.
For more ways to overcome your approach anxiety, click here for more seduction tips.