Pregnancy after breast augmentation?

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Please explain why my girlfriends Breast increase while kissing?
Well, My girlfriend and I have never had a child or anything approaching that but when we kiss i do touch & kiss her breasts and after that she tells me that i made her breasts big Why does that happen? Any WOMEN out nearby that can...

Please Girls! Has anyone ever tried The Flat to Fab Breast Enlargement Program ?
or it's a scam again? here is the link Sounds too perfect doesnt it?Thanx:) It's a freaking scam! Source(s): I want to add, that you know nothing nearly the herbs you are getting in these pills and they could lapse...

PLEASE HELP! Natural Ways To Get Larger Breasts?
I have amazingly small boobs and theres this girl in my class and i want them similar to her. Shes the same age as me.What can i do to enlarge my breasts? Please Help!NONE OF THESE ANSWERS PLEASE :Plastic SurgeryIts not PossibleGet a Padded BraI DONT WANT PLASTIC...

Please recommend a plastic surgeon within ny. interested surrounded by breast augmentation. Who hold done it?
I had one done last year. checked out some docs surrounded by nyand philly but went with dr rosen he have an office in red edge nj and toms river nj. hes worth the travel i say he may...

Please update me a innate course of breast enlargement. I am really desperate!?
My wife is almost flat chested and my excitement goes down the toilet when I see flat chested women. Its effecting our sex life exceedingly much as its effecting my erection!I DO love my wife very much but I am afraid she won't...

Pls tel a heading of righteous cream to increase breast size.?
no cream can give a hand.but there is way which i can not explain to here. TRY PUSH-UPs'they are natural way to enhance your size. THESE CREAMS ARE GOOD FOR TELE-SHOPS. Is this a joke?Seriously, who ever told you there be such a...

Plz report me,if u know somebody selling breast enhancing capsule contained by INDIA.or where on earth can i draw from it?
plz tell me, i need them. Don't waste your money. Somebody is trying to cheat you. There is no way that a pill could possibly do what you want. You can't. There's no such...

Plz. detail me some home made tips to increase breasts of a pubescent plz. assist me i m deeply dippressed?
How old r u? if you want too look close to you have more boobs then you can buy lining to put in your bra Source(s): i bought mines at macys for 15 dollars....

Plzzz put in the picture me tht hw can i increase my breast size minus any surgery(naturaly) plzzz sustain?
if it really bothers you later their is a exercise that you can do to work your pectoral muscle. its the muscle underneath the breast.push both palms together back and forth 3-sets 0f 15. The...

Poll: A breast augmentation or a liposuction?
Which sounds like the better mother's day present? It be overwhelming to me to see that mom's didn't want a vaccum cleaner or dishwasher, so maybe some plastic surgery? But, which one? breastSteveC Breast augmentation emphatically the other you can reduce with some work, but the breast...

Poll: Wouldn't it be more efficient if they used tangible bewbie tubby for breast augmentation?
I big bewbied women could donate our bewbies to the other ladies. It would work out perfectly! I don't see why not. They inject butt podgy into the lipsI've been wanting to get hold of my moobs done for awhile...

Post breast augmentation surgery?
Anyone ever had the implants put surrounded by through the crease? If so, did you have any issues with the scar? I had surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago and the incisions are very tacky, though are not keloids. Will they thin out eventually and become more superficial? I'm using vitamin E on...

Post breast augmentation, cold sensation inside breast?
Ok so on the 11th I underwent breast augmentation surgery, I have sub-muscular saline implant and i've a few questions.I live about 45 min away from the organization and they are closed right now but if it gets to the point that they must be call there is an...

Pregnancy after breast augmentation?
hello. i am new on this site and have a cross-examine. i have four kids and now am behind for my period and have sore breasts but it is a different charitable of sore that with my other pregnancies. if i am pregnant, does breast tenderness vary after breast...

Princess Life brand Breast Enhancement Gel - does it work?
Hi! I'm almost 18 years old with still outstandingly very small breasts, and I was thinking of using the Breast Enhancement Gel from Princess Life. Has anyone ever tried that? And does it work all right? Do you recommend it? Thanks!… No it's...

Problem after breast augmentation?
I'm 19 years old and it's been 7 months since my breast augmentation surgery. The surgeon go through the aerola and since then I haven't been competent to feel anything in the nipple nouns. Is it still too soon or is something wrong? I think that is pretty mundane. Remember that scene...

Products i can capture to increase breast growth?
Are there any products that i may be able to buy at similar to (ex. shoppers drug mart?), to make my boobs bigger? I can handle any mood swings that come along next to it.WITHOUT a prescription...?..… best answer 10 points!! NOPE sorry it's adjectives genetics yes there...

Pros and Cons of breast augmentation?
I'm 23 and I'm only a 34B :(My fiancee is more of an (a)ss/leg man and loves my toned legs and round butt, he's perfectly glad with my small bust. I've been considering going beneath the knife to become a medium or full C. He'll be bullish if I get...

Pros and cons of breast augmentation?
It's really frozen to breastfeed.Any any who is really into those is not too into your insides.It's a surgery, they are putting something fake into your body.... things go wrong and surgeries are serious.How going on for doing some push ups and go shopping at a nice bra...

Pro's and Con's of breast fortification?
Of adjectives cosmetic surgeries breast augmentation has the highest depression and SUICIDE rate. Personally most guys that are out of harm`s way, mature, steady job/worker, non alcoholice mentally stable and kind hearted , = like small and normal boobs.Friends and family beside boob jobs are married / hook-up...

Pudding surrounded by balloon as breast augmentation?
I saw Now and Then last week and they use pudding in a balloon as a process to stuff their bras because it has the right consistency. Having stuffed once or twice with tissues I'm intrigued the concept of high quality homemade stuffing.Have by any of you ever tried...

Q whether size , aesthetic, and robustness of breast increases… if guy fondles the breast?
my friend told that size of boobs increases if guys fondle it regularly .. is it true? ahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahaahahaha… omgi totally fell for that too when i was younger hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… Are you retarded? Just the size... because it's gonna be...

Question for adjectives women who own have breast augmentation?
Ok I don't want any answers like, you shouldn't do it, or natural is better. I've made up my mind so for those of you who enjoy had it done were you festive afterwards? what size did you go up to? Did you take a picture contained...

Question for boys: Silicon Breast Implants or organic breast?
be specific; what is your cup size? Depends... If I'm out looking to get some... I'll transport the silicone. Breast implants are a sign of low self-esteem... they make for an trouble-free target.If I'm looking for a reltionship, I'll take the naturals.... Not interested in...
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