Tips For Couples Wanting To Have A Baby Girl: A Relatively Easy And Effective Three Step Plan
Yesterday, I received an email from a very nice woman who said: "I want to have a baby girl, but what do I need to do to make this happen? What is the easiest, quickest way?" This question doesn't have a one word answer, but hopefully, I can answer this in simple terms pretty quickly, which I will do in this article.
What, Exactly, Is Required To Conceive A Girl Baby?: In the simplest terms, to get a daughter, what needs to happen is that an X chromosome in the sperm provided by your partner fertilizes the egg first. Male sperm contains both X and Y chromosomes. If a Y fertilizes the egg first, you'd get a boy baby and the opposite is true if an X wins out. So, the very simple goal if you want a female baby is that you must increase the odds that the X sperm will win this conception race.Â
If this sounds like a game of luck or chance, it doesn't have to be. To manipulate the odds, you need to understand a little bit about how these X guys act. Luckily, they are extremely resilient and are the much stronger of the two. They live longer and it takes more to weaken or deteriorate them. However, they are also the slowest of the two. But, there are some things you can do to downplay their slowness while bumping up and taking advantage of their strength.
The Steps To Conceiving A Girl: So let's get to it, then.  The first way that you can help to make sure the girl sperm reaches the egg first is to time your conception correctly. The Y (male) sperm can not live for long, so you want to conceive early to give them time to have exited the race before the egg is ready. This leaves your reproductive track having more female possibilities than male ones. To be specific, you should shoot for 3-4 days before the egg's actual release. You can gage this by using an extremely accurate ovulation predictor. I like to suggest the saliva variety, as I find them superior to the urine models, but use whatever you are comfortable with.
The second part of the equation is how you have intercourse. Again, you are trying to make it very hard for the Y chromosomes to reach the egg finish line. Shallow penetration obviously puts more distance between both places. Deep penetration favors a boy conception, so use care on the actual day you are trying to conceive.
Finally, the final roadblock you can put up for the boy producing sperm is raising your PH and acidity. A high PH is too hostile of an environment for them. If you wanted a son, you would lower your PH. But, for a girl, you want to raise it. You can see where you stand going in by using a PH test strip (available at most health food store on or the Internet.) Most people will need to go up from their natural level. You accomplish this in two ways. You can consume a high PH diet or you can douche, or both. I know that this may seem to be a chore, but it is only for a short while until you hit the right level and the pay off lasts a lifetime. There are lists of acidic foods and how-tos for douching that can make this a bit easier.
So, that's the short answer. Look at this is a three step plan. First, you find out when you ovulate. Then, plan to conceive three days before this target. Meanwhile, address your PH. And, when you are ready, you use the sexual or intercourse positions that favor your baby girl.
Conceive A Girl is a website I put together to offer step by step instructions, hints, tips, and resources for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. You'll find resources for douche recipes and food lists, as well as ovulation predictors and PH test strips. Take a look if you like at
What, Exactly, Is Required To Conceive A Girl Baby?: In the simplest terms, to get a daughter, what needs to happen is that an X chromosome in the sperm provided by your partner fertilizes the egg first. Male sperm contains both X and Y chromosomes. If a Y fertilizes the egg first, you'd get a boy baby and the opposite is true if an X wins out. So, the very simple goal if you want a female baby is that you must increase the odds that the X sperm will win this conception race.Â
If this sounds like a game of luck or chance, it doesn't have to be. To manipulate the odds, you need to understand a little bit about how these X guys act. Luckily, they are extremely resilient and are the much stronger of the two. They live longer and it takes more to weaken or deteriorate them. However, they are also the slowest of the two. But, there are some things you can do to downplay their slowness while bumping up and taking advantage of their strength.
The Steps To Conceiving A Girl: So let's get to it, then.  The first way that you can help to make sure the girl sperm reaches the egg first is to time your conception correctly. The Y (male) sperm can not live for long, so you want to conceive early to give them time to have exited the race before the egg is ready. This leaves your reproductive track having more female possibilities than male ones. To be specific, you should shoot for 3-4 days before the egg's actual release. You can gage this by using an extremely accurate ovulation predictor. I like to suggest the saliva variety, as I find them superior to the urine models, but use whatever you are comfortable with.
The second part of the equation is how you have intercourse. Again, you are trying to make it very hard for the Y chromosomes to reach the egg finish line. Shallow penetration obviously puts more distance between both places. Deep penetration favors a boy conception, so use care on the actual day you are trying to conceive.
Finally, the final roadblock you can put up for the boy producing sperm is raising your PH and acidity. A high PH is too hostile of an environment for them. If you wanted a son, you would lower your PH. But, for a girl, you want to raise it. You can see where you stand going in by using a PH test strip (available at most health food store on or the Internet.) Most people will need to go up from their natural level. You accomplish this in two ways. You can consume a high PH diet or you can douche, or both. I know that this may seem to be a chore, but it is only for a short while until you hit the right level and the pay off lasts a lifetime. There are lists of acidic foods and how-tos for douching that can make this a bit easier.
So, that's the short answer. Look at this is a three step plan. First, you find out when you ovulate. Then, plan to conceive three days before this target. Meanwhile, address your PH. And, when you are ready, you use the sexual or intercourse positions that favor your baby girl.
Conceive A Girl is a website I put together to offer step by step instructions, hints, tips, and resources for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. You'll find resources for douche recipes and food lists, as well as ovulation predictors and PH test strips. Take a look if you like at