Fight the Bed Bugs and Sleep Tight Once Again
You can often tell if you have bed bugs by examining the sheets, beddings, walls and headboards for dark patches which are caused by clusters of eggs, blood from squashed bed bugs and bed bug excrement.
You can minimise the risk of bed bugs by hovering your mattress regularly and using a stiff brush to free them from any nooks and crannies, regularly washing bedding in hot water and leaving your duvet pulled back during the day.
Studies have shown that unmade beds are less likely to harbour the bugs as they prefer warm, dark places.
It is not advisable to throw everything out and replace without first having the problem professionally treated as leaving even two or three behind can mean you are rapidly re-infested.
It's not worth trying to treat the problem yourself with shop bought pesticides or sprays as studies show that these have little to no effect and you'll simply be wasting your time and money.
A more cost effective option is to engage the services of a professional and you can normally find a good company through your local council or online.
These companies will not only make sure that your diagnosis is correct by thoroughly inspecting your house or flat but they will then advise you how serious the infestation is and the best course of action to take.
While bed bugs are making a bit of a comeback, there's no need to be unduly concerned if you're vigilant, especially when you travel or stay in hotels a lot.
They are easily transferred in luggage and sleeping bags and they tend to be prevalent in hotels and hostels not due to hygiene issues but because a lot of people pass through who may have been in contact with bed bugs before they arrived.
So be vigilant and check all luggage, bedding and clothing when you're on the move.