How to Lose 40 Pounds in a Month - 5 Tips
How to Lose 40 Pounds in 1 Month - Is it Possible?
If you want to lose 40 pounds in a month, it's important to avoid sugar, as well as try to eat 5 -6 smaller meals per day, instead of 2 - 3 larger meals. This will help you increase your body's metabolism, which will help you burn fat.
1. Avoid Sugar.
You should try to avoid sugar as much as possible. Sugar can easily get stored as extra fat on your body, and is not healthy for you. Try to avoid sodas, soft drinks, juice as well as different sweets and goodies. Instead try to replace these types of drinks and snacks with fruits & healthier vegetables for example.
2. Eat 6 Times per Day Instead of 3.
Research has shown that by eating smaller meals more often, you will also help increase your body's fat burning metabolism, which also helps you lose weight. So instead of eating 3 large meals per day, you should preferably divide your large meals into 5- 6 smaller meals which you eat more often (2 - 3 hours between every meal). Here you could also choose more fiber rich foods that keeps you full for a longer time, as well as add fruit and veggie snacks between your meals if you would get hungry.
3. Drink 8 Glasses of Water or More per Day.
By drinking plenty of water every day, you will also help rehydrate your body, which helps you lose weight more effectively. By replacing your soda and soft drinks with water, you will also lose pounds more successfully, as well as save money every month.
4. Avoid White Bread.
White bread is not good for you. By eating more refined products such as white bread, you are more likely to put on extra belly fat. Try to choose whole grain bread here instead.
5. Try to Get Help and Tips from Someone that has Been in the Same Situation as You.
Maybe you have some friends or relatives that has been in the same situation as you? Maybe they have lost some pounds in the past? Then this can be a great resource for you! And don't forget to use the internet as well. There are literally tons of articles, discussion boards and forums related to weight loss today, where you could find help and tips from people that has been in the situation as you. This way you can also increase the chances to lose those unwanted pounds forever.
If you want to lose 40 pounds in a month, it's important to avoid sugar, as well as try to eat 5 -6 smaller meals per day, instead of 2 - 3 larger meals. This will help you increase your body's metabolism, which will help you burn fat.
1. Avoid Sugar.
You should try to avoid sugar as much as possible. Sugar can easily get stored as extra fat on your body, and is not healthy for you. Try to avoid sodas, soft drinks, juice as well as different sweets and goodies. Instead try to replace these types of drinks and snacks with fruits & healthier vegetables for example.
2. Eat 6 Times per Day Instead of 3.
Research has shown that by eating smaller meals more often, you will also help increase your body's fat burning metabolism, which also helps you lose weight. So instead of eating 3 large meals per day, you should preferably divide your large meals into 5- 6 smaller meals which you eat more often (2 - 3 hours between every meal). Here you could also choose more fiber rich foods that keeps you full for a longer time, as well as add fruit and veggie snacks between your meals if you would get hungry.
3. Drink 8 Glasses of Water or More per Day.
By drinking plenty of water every day, you will also help rehydrate your body, which helps you lose weight more effectively. By replacing your soda and soft drinks with water, you will also lose pounds more successfully, as well as save money every month.
4. Avoid White Bread.
White bread is not good for you. By eating more refined products such as white bread, you are more likely to put on extra belly fat. Try to choose whole grain bread here instead.
5. Try to Get Help and Tips from Someone that has Been in the Same Situation as You.
Maybe you have some friends or relatives that has been in the same situation as you? Maybe they have lost some pounds in the past? Then this can be a great resource for you! And don't forget to use the internet as well. There are literally tons of articles, discussion boards and forums related to weight loss today, where you could find help and tips from people that has been in the situation as you. This way you can also increase the chances to lose those unwanted pounds forever.