How to Use 2 USB Aircards on 1 Account
- 1). Find an Aircard vendor in your area. Stores like Best Buy and Staples sell Aircards, but their selection may be limited. Conversely, you can get an Aircard at any cellular telephone store (like a Sprint or Alltel store) in your area. You can find addresses of businesses in your local telephone book, or by dialing "411" on your phone for information.
- 2). Inform the customer service representative that you'd like to purchase two Aircards for the same account. Inquire about any specials they may be running. Aircards are expensive, typically $300 to $500 (as of May 2010) depending on where they are purchased. You may be able to get a discount by purchasing two at the same time.
- 3). Give the customer service representative any personal information they ask for. They will need your name and address so that they can properly set up a new account for your Aircards. They will inform you when you'll be getting your first monthly billing statement. When all of this is finished, you will be given a specific phone number that each Aircard must dial to access the cellular network and connect your computers to the Internet.