AMD Atholon 64X2 Dual Core Vs. Intel Duo Core Processor

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    Core Clock Speed

    • When comparing similar hardware products such as processors from Intel and AMD, core clock speed is very important. The core clock speed, or CPU clock, measures how quickly the processor can assimilate instructions from various devices and programs. The AMD Athlon 64 X2 line CPU clock ranges from 1.0 gigahertz (GHz) to 3.2 GHz. The Intel Multi Core line has a similar CPU clock range from 1.06 GHz to 3.33 GHz.

    Front Side Bus

    • When comparing processors that have multiple cores, it is important to understand that every item that must be executed is prioritized and split between the total number of processors. Front side bus (FSB) determines how quickly this information can be passed between cores, as well as other devices such as memory. The AMD Athlon 64 X2 line has a FSB that ranges from 800 megahertz (MHz) to 1800 MHz. The Intel Multi Core line has a similar range of 533 MHz to 1600 MHz.

    Core 2 Duo Features

    • Intel multi-core technology was finally enabled by advanced parallel processing and their new hafnium-based 45 nanometer (nm) technology. Intelligent Power Capability, delivers more energy-efficient performance and smarter battery performance for laptops. Intel also introduced Smart Memory Access, which improves system performance by optimizing the use of the available data bandwidth.

    Athlon X2 Features

    • The Athlon X2 has many features designed to increased battery life and counteract the increased heat generated by the complex architecture of multiple cores, including CoolCore technology. The biggest feature included with the X2 is HyperTransport™ Technology which allows high speed internal operation (I/O) communication. This is why AMD products slightly outperform similar Intel products when comparing front side bus. The Athlon X2 also integrates EVP technology as an extra barrier against viruses.


    • While the Athlon X2 line is a strong competitor to the Intel Duo Core processors, the X2 is limited to 4 cores. Many of the top end Intel products not only use the 45 nm process for manufacture, but some allow as many as 8 cores. While the Athlon has an advantage in front side bus, the Intel processors are slightly faster individually. Features are very similar between the two manufacturers, but probably the most important consideration is that the Athlon X2 line is, on average, 10 to 15 percent cheaper than comparable Intel products as of 2009.

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