Himalayan Crystal Salt and Speleotherapy
Speleo-therapy("speleo" is Greek word for cave), is a science of "underground natural salt healing chambers" means special chambers or an area is reserved inside the mines underneath the ground.
Speleo therapy sessions are conducted in purest natural environment duly enriched with negative ions, without using any external device like halo generator etc.
Salt walls inside the mine's chamber act as dry salt aerosol that protects the air of the underground Speleo (natural salt mine) healing chambers.
It keeps it sterile and free of bacteria.
In a nutshell This process of speleo therapy is a natural therapeutic measure helps treat the different respiratory ailments.
The health benefits of speleotherpay were first described by a Polish physician Feliks Boczowski in his book in 1843,but the healthful effects of the micro climate prevails in the salt mines have already been known by the people for centuries.
Since publication of that revolutionary book, the practice of bringing the patients (specially those suffering with respiratory ailments) down to the salt mines for healing spread throughout the Europe.
So much so that this practice had become the standard feature of the spa treatment for different kind of respiratory diseases.
With passage of time more and more people become aware of the health benefits of speleo therapy, but find it hard and time consuming to travel to mining area to avail the facilities of speleo therapy.
Consequently, they started thinking about the alternative natural ways to treat their ailments.
Scientist already had perceived the idea of speleo therapy and its numerous health benefits.
Eastern European scientist had been experimenting to explore the way which could be affordable and convenient to the people suffering with respiratory illnesses.
They finally overcome the challenge and discovered a viable solution to this problem.
Their dream came true and in 1980 they started building the Halo therapy chambers in clinics and other above ground facilities.
This remarkable success in re-creating the healthful effects of micro climate, identical to those prevail in underground salt mines, has opened up affordable natural healing opportunities for the patients suffering with respiratory ailments.
Speleotherapy is a natural health alternative treatment for asthma, respiratory conditions, immune system disorder and illnesses.
Speleo therapy sessions are conducted in purest natural environment duly enriched with negative ions, without using any external device like halo generator etc.
Salt walls inside the mine's chamber act as dry salt aerosol that protects the air of the underground Speleo (natural salt mine) healing chambers.
It keeps it sterile and free of bacteria.
In a nutshell This process of speleo therapy is a natural therapeutic measure helps treat the different respiratory ailments.
The health benefits of speleotherpay were first described by a Polish physician Feliks Boczowski in his book in 1843,but the healthful effects of the micro climate prevails in the salt mines have already been known by the people for centuries.
Since publication of that revolutionary book, the practice of bringing the patients (specially those suffering with respiratory ailments) down to the salt mines for healing spread throughout the Europe.
So much so that this practice had become the standard feature of the spa treatment for different kind of respiratory diseases.
With passage of time more and more people become aware of the health benefits of speleo therapy, but find it hard and time consuming to travel to mining area to avail the facilities of speleo therapy.
Consequently, they started thinking about the alternative natural ways to treat their ailments.
Scientist already had perceived the idea of speleo therapy and its numerous health benefits.
Eastern European scientist had been experimenting to explore the way which could be affordable and convenient to the people suffering with respiratory illnesses.
They finally overcome the challenge and discovered a viable solution to this problem.
Their dream came true and in 1980 they started building the Halo therapy chambers in clinics and other above ground facilities.
This remarkable success in re-creating the healthful effects of micro climate, identical to those prevail in underground salt mines, has opened up affordable natural healing opportunities for the patients suffering with respiratory ailments.
Speleotherapy is a natural health alternative treatment for asthma, respiratory conditions, immune system disorder and illnesses.