How to Build a Vertical Louvered Privacy Fence
- 1
Set the fence of the table saw at 4 11/16 inches. Rip (cut with the grain of the wood) enough of the 1-by-6-inch lumber to form the frames for the louver panels. Each frame includes two sides that fit between a top and bottom piece. A panel encompasses the framed louvers that go between the fence posts. - 2
Cut the miter, make a triangle.
Set the electric miter saw at a 45-degree angle. Cut one of the pieces from Step 1 on a 45-degree angle from the corner out. - 3
Build the frames.
Measure and cut the top and bottom pieces of the frame to the needed length. For example, if the space between the posts is 8 feet, cut the top and bottom pieces at 8 feet. - 4). Cut the vertical louvers from the 1-by-6 material 5 1/2 inches shorter than the posts. This means if the post is 96 inches above the ground, the length of the louvers needs to be 90 1/2 inches. Cut the sides for the frame material in Step 1 the same length as the louvers.
- 5
Placing the triangle
Place the triangle cut in Step 2 flat on the bottom of the frame and against one of the sides. Place the first louver against the triangle and secure it through the top and bottom pieces with 1 1/4-inch deck screws, then remove the triangle. - 6
Template to set the louvers
Place the 1-by-2-by-8-inch lumber on its edge and against the secured louver. Set another louver against it and secure it through the bottom piece with the 1 1/4-inch deck screws. Repeat this until the panels are made. Panels should not exceed 8 feet in length. - 1). Drive a 2-foot stake into the ground at the starting point of the vertical louvered privacy fence. Tie the heavy string to it and walk the desired length of the fence. Stop at the corners to drive another stake, wrap the string around it and continue to lay out the perimeter of the fence.
- 2). Drive a stake in the ground everywhere a fence post needs to be installed. It is recommended that they be kept within 8 feet of each other.
- 3). Dig the post holes 24 inches deep. Mix the concrete and use at least one bag per post. Place the carpenter's level on the post to be certain it is plumb.
- 4). Secure a 2-by-4 to the posts and to a stake in the ground to hold them plumb until the concrete sets. After the concrete is set, remove the supports holding the posts.
- 5). Place a 4-by-4-by-4-inch block at the base of the posts for the vertical louver panels to rest on. Secure the panels to the posts through the frame with the 1 1/4-inch deck screws.