Internet MarketingThe Digital Form Of Marketing
Internet marketing on the other side has seen rapid evolution, and then changes at the same pace as well. The whole process started after internet made its place to every nook and corner of the world. No matter it is about the developing countries or you talk about developed countries, internet is common everywhere.
According to internet world stats, the total population of the world is 6,845,609,960 out of which 1,966,514,816 are internet users (until June 2010) with an average growth rate of 444.8%. This graph is growing at a very fast pace. Keeping in view the popularity of this medium, advertiser and marketers took initiatives to utilize this medium for advertising and marketing.
This was not the end of it but the beginning of new phenomena in the world of marketing. This new phenomenon is now classified under the banner of Internet Marketing Company. Many researchers predicted that this internet marketing would be the most influential tool in future to reach people since the global culture is moving towards individualism. All these researchers have been proven right by the time.
Now the world culture is more individualistic and above all, the concept of masses has diminished. Marketing to masses is not influential anymore and the new era demand de-massified advertising and marketing. People would more like to adopt the things that come to them with exclusivity. This is the concept that is massively being used in internet advertising.
Internet marketing encompasses much more than straightaway internet marketing:
- A social media recommendation
- Natural search marketing tools
- E-mail marketing
- Search engine optimization
- Social media optimization
- Pay per click management
- Link building
- Web analytical predictions
These are the common techniques being used by advertisers and marketers for internet marketing. These trends are not static as well. Like marketing techniques, the trends and tactics also vary in one marketing campaign and style. These trends also are varying and they change according to the nature of clients, geographical conditions, and needs of the time.
Internet marketing or online marketing is the most influential form of marketing in the current scenario. Seeing the increment in the amount of media consumption and the popularity and interactive nature of the media itself, it is predicted that the internet marketing will remain influential in the coming years when this media would reach that part of population of the world, who do not have access right now. Keeping in view, the lasting effects of internet marketing, marketers and advertisers are rushing towards this technique of marketing.