American Europeans VS. Latino Americans

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The year was 1998.
I was watching PBS and there was a man talking about how the Latinos in America were becoming the predominating race.
Why? Because most of them decided not to abort their children; and on this planet domination is based sometimes on numbers not economics.
This man, I do not remember his name, but he stated that by the year 2000, the Latinos in America would be a force for the American European to reckon with.
Well now in 2006, America is politely trying to deal with the Latinos like they dealt with the Indians when they knew they were out numbered.
We all know how the European American's handled it based on the history of this nation.
My Latino friends please understand a leopard never changes its spots and neither will the American Europeans.
President George W.
Bush, Congress, and the Supreme Court in America are now trying to act like they are really trying to make life in America better for the Latinos.
The media in some cases are trying to put the right spin on the immigration legislation.
Go to Crooks and Liars - April 3rd, 2006 then click on "Missing the point on the Mexican Flag" you will see what I am talking about.
You see when the Europeans need something from a race of people they will embrace them in a way to make them trust them: This is giving them time to figure out how to take the power back.
Remember the Indians? They were befriended too by the Europeans until the Europeans figured out how to over power the Indians and take their land.
I'm just giving you all something to think about.
This was your land first so read your history and do not let them trick you again okay.
Now to the American voters of all nationalities please understand our representatives are bouncing with one hand the ball of immigration that they want the media to focus on while at the same time with their other hand teaming up with the Latinos to keep division among the races.
There is an old saying "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
" Now Latinos remember your past and you will know who your enemies are.
Everybody knows that business in America is the reason for NAFTA and GAT.
Both were passed in favor of business in America, not for the middle class or poor American citizens.
Our legislators for years have been voting and passing legislations to criminalize the immigrant and to protect the businesses.
So now our legislators are working hard to write up legislation that will still protect the business people and befriend the immigrant without offending the American workers in America.
My point is this, American citizens and immigrants follow the money and you will know who your enemies are in America.
We as citizens and immigrants can not allow our representatives; who with their right hand, uses the media to keep us focused on the immigration ball which causes us to fight and hate each other over crumbs and scraps; while continuing with their left hand protecting the businesses with legislation.
This is insane!!! Let the representatives and their families feel the legislation they wrote as private citizens; not as representatives who are in the pocket of corporate and business Americans.
One thing about business people they will not do anything for you unless you can do something for their business or corporation.
We need new public servants if we want to see the middle class recover and grow again.
We need representatives who will raise the minimum wages on businesses in America.
When we understand America as a business nation then we will understand what immigration means to businesses.
Example: If I as a businesses person wanted to have more profits then I will have to pay lower wages and have better products right? Well will educated Americans work for minimum wages? Will educated Americans work in the fields? If your answer is no to these two questions then you should understand the need for the immigrants working in America.
Now it is written in the Bible "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
" So be free American citizens, become business people, hire immigrants, and live the American dream okay.
Holler If Your Hear Me!!!
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