How Do I Add More Memory to a SAS Job From a Command Line?
- 1). To maximize the amount of memory (RAM) available for a SAS program, include the system option "-memsize 0" when submitting your job.
For example, the code
sas -memsize 0
will provide the maximum memory available to SAS to execute the Test.SAS program. You can choose a maximum or a limited memory allocation with the MEMSIZE option. - 2). To select for the memory limit to be the largest reasonable value dependent on the amount of physical memory and paging space available at the time that SAS is started (option 0 or MAX).
-MEMSIZE MAX | 0 - 3). To set a specify memory size, the system option MEMSIZE has the following syntax options:
-MEMSIZE n | nK | nM | nG | nT | hexX
The options specify the memory limit in bytes (n), kilobytes (nK), megabytes (nM), gigabytes (nG), or terabytes (nT) or a hexadecimal value (hexX).