How to Boot MSI U100 in Safe Mode
- 1). Click the "Start" button in the lower-left corner of the desktop and select "Run" on the menu.
- 2). Type "msconfig" in the dialog box and press "Enter" to display the Windows System Configuration Utility.
- 3). Click the "BOOT.INI" tab at the top of the window.
- 4). Click to select the "/SAFEBOOT" option, then click the "MINIMAL" radio button to start Windows in Safe Mode or the "NETWORK" radio button to start Windows in Safe Mode with Networking, which allows it to access the Internet.
- 5). Click "OK," then click the "Restart" button to start the MSI U100 in Safe Mode. When you finish your work in Safe Mode, return to the MSCONFIG utility and clear the check from the "/SAFEBOOT" box before restarting the computer.