Candida in the Gut and Vagina and Symptoms of Candida
She was wondering if those who are knowledgeable in candida can help her.
She has her heart beating hard but not fast.
She feels tired a lot too.
She was told by a nutritionist that she had candida in the gut and vagina.
She was tested many times for everything by various doctors and the tests came back either normal or negative.
She also has gas/bloating, burping, extreme fatigue.
Dizzy when she gets up from bending over, like black-out feeling.
Are these symptoms above candida? She is currently taking provera hormone for perimenopause and to slough her uterus lining out that was found to be built-up too much.
So below is my response.
I'm not a doctor, but I have had those symptoms in the past and I have candida.
Candida's a sneaky thing, as it can affect most bodily symptoms, but your tests (like mine) could come up normal.
While your symptoms could be just about anything (I'm suspecting candida, though) it may help you to try the candida diet for awhile, as well as a bodily cleanse.
Even if it isn't candida, cleanses help most health problems, and the candida diet, while it's a headache, is healthier than the mainstream American diet.
Sugar really isn't good for anyone, nor is wheat gluten.
In other words, while it may or may not be candida, it can only help you if you try an anti candida diet and a cleanse.
It can help even healthy people to try garlic and other immune system helpers, for instance.
My feeling is if a naturopath says you have candida, it's worth taking that opinion seriously and trying the diet, appropriate herbs, and cleanses.
It couldn't hurt.