How to Barter Work for a Place to Live
- 1). Know exactly what you are looking for in barter exchange. Assess your immediate needs, designated location and plans of exchange. Make your needs known to your colleagues, friends and former references to assist in recommending your services. Conduct research prior to announcing your needs to your network then reach into the community for support in acquiring leads.
- 2). Ask for recommendations from other barterers in your city. Contact local bartering community members to learn about the area you want to live in. Devise a plan exploring options available from the skills you have to offer in return for residency. Develop a list of profitable skills, talents and experiences that can help someone else. Write a 20-word explanation of how you can apply each skill in a formal exchange for living space.
- 3). Market services online and post classifieds in the local newspaper. Prepare proposals and offers designated for your targeted market of barterers. Write short, concise ads for what you are offering, length of stay and contact information for people to call or email.
- 4). Answer inquires with complete honesty; inform prospects of your ability to complete certain requests. Combine services such as housekeeping and errands for residency. Engage prospects by mentioning your best three skills that may be of interest to them. Provide references from your previous exchanges to build confidence in your capabilities to keep your word.
- 5). Write a contract detailing dates, times and parties involved in the barter. Make it thorough so both parties understand and agree to the terms before you move into the home. Make sure you complete at least one walk through or request pictures of your living quarters before accepting an offer. Fulfill your agreement by performing the services you promised in exchange for the housing.