What Should I Expect In My Galapagos Trip From January To March?
The Galapagos Islands are for excellence a great place to enjoy fascinating and exotic flora and fauna, not only on solid ground but under beautiful turquoise waters. What can you expect to see from January to March while taking a land based trip in the Enchanted Islands? In the following lines you will find some useful information to enjoy a life time trip!
First of all, be aware that during this period, the weather in the Galapagos experiments changes due to the influence of ocean currents. From December to May the island are on the warm season, the current of Panama comes from southeast warming up the Archipelago, reaching temperatures of 35 to 38 Celsius degrees in March and sometimes is possible to experience garua or soft drizzle that causes a sensation of hot, humidity and sunny skies.
Water is delicious for swimming and snorkeling because temperature drifts from 21 to 24 Celsius degrees. The ocean is definitely much calmer during this period, so if you are taking a land trip program this could be a perfect time to travel from island to island by boat without worrying about seasickness.
Even though fauna is lesser along January to March underneath the ocean, it is possible to find abundant events on land, for example it is the breeding season for land birds like flamingos, masked boobies, so do not be surprise if you witness mating rituals.
Also, marine tortoises come from the ocean to lays eggs on the beaches, and marine iguanas start nesting just to mention a few of the species that you can observe. Anyhow, the Galapagos Islands are a place full of surprises; eventually it is possible to find straggler species on the water. Do not forget your camera to get great shots. Besides flora also is affected by the garua, flowers start to blossom and trees get greener.
The Galapagos Islands offer a great deal of opportunities to watch wonderful species along the first trimester of the year, while you enjoy tropical beaches, sunny days and warm temperature. Escape from cold winter in northern countries and come to Ecuador to visit the enchanted islands. Get in contact with this living laboratory while kayaking, snorkeling, hiking or just relaxing in a white sand beach.
Live a great adventure and discover the islands that inspired the famous The Origin of Species of Charles Darwin through its flora and fauna and be part of this wonderful paradise all through the creativity, safety, professionalism, and attention of Ecuadors Adventure team.
First of all, be aware that during this period, the weather in the Galapagos experiments changes due to the influence of ocean currents. From December to May the island are on the warm season, the current of Panama comes from southeast warming up the Archipelago, reaching temperatures of 35 to 38 Celsius degrees in March and sometimes is possible to experience garua or soft drizzle that causes a sensation of hot, humidity and sunny skies.
Water is delicious for swimming and snorkeling because temperature drifts from 21 to 24 Celsius degrees. The ocean is definitely much calmer during this period, so if you are taking a land trip program this could be a perfect time to travel from island to island by boat without worrying about seasickness.
Even though fauna is lesser along January to March underneath the ocean, it is possible to find abundant events on land, for example it is the breeding season for land birds like flamingos, masked boobies, so do not be surprise if you witness mating rituals.
Also, marine tortoises come from the ocean to lays eggs on the beaches, and marine iguanas start nesting just to mention a few of the species that you can observe. Anyhow, the Galapagos Islands are a place full of surprises; eventually it is possible to find straggler species on the water. Do not forget your camera to get great shots. Besides flora also is affected by the garua, flowers start to blossom and trees get greener.
The Galapagos Islands offer a great deal of opportunities to watch wonderful species along the first trimester of the year, while you enjoy tropical beaches, sunny days and warm temperature. Escape from cold winter in northern countries and come to Ecuador to visit the enchanted islands. Get in contact with this living laboratory while kayaking, snorkeling, hiking or just relaxing in a white sand beach.
Live a great adventure and discover the islands that inspired the famous The Origin of Species of Charles Darwin through its flora and fauna and be part of this wonderful paradise all through the creativity, safety, professionalism, and attention of Ecuadors Adventure team.