Buying A Diamond Engagement Ring - Save Money And Buy The Best Ring Possible
I know diamonds are a girls best friend, but dang! Those are some expensive friends!
To top all of that off, there are all sorts of other things you need to know when it comes to buying a diamond engagement ring; cut clarity, color, certification...I had no idea what the heck it all meant. I figured I would just go buy the biggest diamond I could afford.
But as I quickly found out and as a lot of you probably already know, there's are a few different ways in which diamonds are measured. And what's worse, the stuff I thought I knew, I really didn't!
For instance, when I heard of diamond cut, I said, "Excellent cut? No, I want a round cut diamond!" The jeweler nearly laughed when I said that to him.
But while all the information seems overwhelming at first, learning exactly what everything means is the key to saving yourself a ton of money and gives you control so you can buy the nicest ring possible for your special lady. To many people fork over way to much money for diamonds and rings when they could have saved themselves so much more and bought a nicer ring if they simply knew what the jeweler was talking about!
Heres a quick rundown:
Carat - We all pretty much know that carat is the size of the diamond. However, carat is the last thing you look at when buying a diamond engagement ring.
Color - Color simply measures how yellow a diamond is. However, we don't need to get the highest rated color, D, to get a white diamond. Professionals have to use all sorts of tools to measure diamonds this white. We, as normal human begins, can settle for imperfectly rated color diamonds because we'll only see white.
Clarity - Clarity measures how "pure" the diamond is/how many imperfections formed inside of it. Like color, we can settle for impure diamonds because our normal, human eyes won't be able to see them
Cut - Cut is the big daddy of them all. Cut measures how beautiful, bright and shiny our diamonds are. We always want excellent cut diamonds because they always out perform other diamonds. Smaller, well cut diamonds always look better than bigger, average cut diamonds.
Having this knowledge with you when you go diamond shopping will give you an incredible edge in the diamond store that most people don't have. You'll be able to command better prices when buying a diamond engagement ring because you'll know what you're talking about.