Body Language That Reveals A Liar Instantly! This Is A Sure Fire Technique To Catch A Cheater
Crossing of feet or arms - When the person is about to tell you a lie, they will either cross their arms or legs. This motion acts like the person is covering themselves because they are hiding something. Watch closely and coordinate the motion with what they are saying. Most of the time, they will do this while they are telling something false.
Avoiding eye contact - This is one of the most common actions that people lying does. A person lying cannot make eye contact with the person they are talking to. One reason is due to the fact that they are full of guilt and has psychological incapacity to look the person the eye. Another reason is that they do not want you to know they are lying because they now you will be able to read their eye movements.
Posture is different - If they usually slouch, they will stand straight up. They will also tend to shift their weight from one foot to the other. The reason behind this is that they are uncomfortable in their current situation. When a person is uncomfortable, they unconsciously try to change their position to look for that comfort zone. No one like to lie, so everyone who tells a lie will be uncomfortable, and then they will start changing their posture.
Turning away - All of the liars that I have faced keep on doing this. If the person lying sees that you are trying to read their every move, they will turn away from you. This is like getting out of the conversation that they know they are losing control.
An Extremely Effective Way To Track A Cheating Spouse- There is an extremely effective trick which will help you spot a cheating spouse within seconds...No matter how sneaky your spouse is...He/she definitely can't fool you when you use this trick. I strongly urge you to follow the instructions on the next page right away-Â Click Here.