3 Body Worshiping Moves to Try on Your Lady That Will Melt Her
The fact of the matter is that many men who can provide comfortable living for ladies, and amazing sex, are stealing the alpha male's women all day long.
Learn 3 sex moves that will make your lover crave you for life.
Move 1- Ravish the neck with proper kissing technique Many men know that neck kisses make any woman weak in the knees, but they do not know how long to stay there, and with what force to apply during the process.
The key is gentle light kisses with very little saliva, no suction-cup hickeys, and plenty of light finger caressing of the base of the neck and it's sides, while you are lightly and slowly pecking.
You should throw in some light full-lipped kisses that last a big longer as well.
Open up your lips a bit fuller here, but certainly do not engage teeth, or slobber on her neck.
Move 2-Light finger tip caresses against the insides of the legs and arms This is a most deadly move that can really drive a women wild with lust.
What you want to do is not even engage the force of your hand at the wrist.
You want to slide the back of your finger tips against her skin on the inside of the leg, and the inside of the arm.
Make sure you rub against the inside of the elbow and inside of the forearm in particular, and the back of the knee.
Move 3-Give her oral sex without getting undressed or getting the favor returned This is an ultimate sign that you worship your woman.
This means that you do not care about your sexual satisfaction, and that you live to please her.
This is what women want to think.
They want to be completely worshiped.
That is how you get your woman to love you like no other man.
This not wanting to ejaculate also plays a major role in not having premature ejaculation.