Carpet Cleaning for Your Fine Carpets and Rugs
Before you react harshly and become your pet's next target, there are solutions to clean your rug from pet accidents.
Absorb as much of the pet urine as initially possible. Do this by applying a damp white cloth over the stained area. Add weight to it by placing something over the stained area and letting it sit that way for a while.
While you are letting the urine stain absorb into the cloth, prepare a cleaning mixture made up of hydrogen peroxide and liquid dish soap. You probably want to keep the percentages at around 10% peroxide and the rest dish soap. The brand of the dish soap does not matter.
Apply your mixture to the stain in generous amounts. Do not scrub the stain or rub it in a circular motion, doing that will only embed the stain deeper into the fibers of the rug. It will also cause a great amount of wear and tear in that part of the carpet. Blot the area with a white damp cloth.
Once you have applied a good amount of the mixture into the stain, get another white damp cloth and do the same process this time using only hot water. The more mixture you put into the rug to get it cleaned out, the longer it will take to get the mixture removed from the carpet. Make sure that you take your time and get all of the mixture removed from the carpet. Any remaining peroxide and liquid dish soap mixture will only attract more dirt.
Let the area dry. You can assist the drying process by using fans. Try to allow the fans to blow underneath the rug if at all possible. When the surface of the rug is dry to the touch, allow it to dry for another couple of hours to make sure that all the fibers have been dried properly. Do not attempt to dry using a blow dryer or iron. The will only permanently seal in the stain.
Do as good a job as you possibly can when you first start to soak up the urine with the damp white cloth. This will make the entire process easier and less time consuming. It is even more important to use a white cloth because the white cloth will not bleed into the colors of the rug. If caring for your carpet seems too much of a hassle consider hiring a Commercial Carpet Cleaning service.