Regain Focus and End Procrastination Now
I have a sure fire way to help you understand how much time you lose to procrastination when you are at home working on a project on your computer.
Plus I have solutions to help you keep on task.
Procrastination can be a killer.
Its "brother" distraction is just as bad.
You can bet the reason these too are so powerful is because they are linked to fear.
You know it.
The main reason we lose focus and/or procrastinate is because we secretly think our goal is something we will fail at or, wait for it...
succeed at.
"Thom, that's just crazy thinking!" It's not crazy at all, and I'll talk about all that later, another day.
Today, I am going to show you how to recognize the severity and show you how to combat it.
They say that awareness is half the battle so we are going to use that old chestnut to determine the depth of the issue.
Decide your goal - Whether you are going to write a page or two of your latest book or survey online resources for personal development, decide on a task you need to complete.
Don't set a time limit; simply decide to work until you have completed the task.
Clear your Internet history - Every browser has a history button.
It lists every site you have visited.
Before you begin your task begin by clearing the history so that it shows nothing.
Begin your work and time yourself - Start your stopwatch and work as you normally would.
Research and work to the best of your ability.
Review your results - Once you are finished stop your stopwatch and make note of the time.
Use these guidelines to gauge your success.
How long did it take you reach your goal? - Note mentally all the times you stopped: Bathroom breaks, food, email checking, social media, texting and talking on the phone.
Review your internet history - Look at the sites you visited when you were "working".
Did you check Facebook or Twitter? Did you get sidetracked by an ad (marketers LOVE when you do)? Or did you use the web to research your project.
Go through each site and determine if it was a tool or a distraction.
The history tells it all.
The goal for the next time you have the same task is to beat the time you just made.
Consistent improvement is the goal.
There will come a time when you know exactly how long it actually takes to complete the task without distractions.
Once you have that information you are ready to do the same for other tasks.
Then the days are just one after the other of focused success.
If you want some help now to keep on task, these two apps will improve your times much quicker.
30/30 - This app helps keep you focused and on task.
I'll let the site tell you more about it.
The only drawback is that it's currently for iPhone only.
But a stopwatch with a countdown timer will do the same general thing.
Anti-Social - This app allows you to set time for projects and blocks your ability to access any social media sites while you're working.
You can also set as many web sites as you want based on the other distractions.
Focus is tough for many people.
Of course, like everything, your success or failure is all mental.
As I mentioned before there are some pretty profound reasons why people procrastinate and they do indeed have to do with your fears.
There certainly are some biological reasons for lack of focus.
If that is your case (meaning you have been diagnosed) then certainly get professional help.
For everyone else, look at what's the reason for your slowing or stopping.
There are reasons, and they're ones you can push past if you find them and work to eliminate them.
I say this with full impunity.
My first book took years to finish and I fully acknowledge the reason was fear-based.
My next book? (Shameless plug #2! Will be out in 3 months) You guessed it! It's about fear.
You know the life you want.
Don't be afraid to go after it.
Take out the distractions and you are on your way!
Plus I have solutions to help you keep on task.
Procrastination can be a killer.
Its "brother" distraction is just as bad.
You can bet the reason these too are so powerful is because they are linked to fear.
You know it.
The main reason we lose focus and/or procrastinate is because we secretly think our goal is something we will fail at or, wait for it...
succeed at.
"Thom, that's just crazy thinking!" It's not crazy at all, and I'll talk about all that later, another day.
Today, I am going to show you how to recognize the severity and show you how to combat it.
They say that awareness is half the battle so we are going to use that old chestnut to determine the depth of the issue.
Decide your goal - Whether you are going to write a page or two of your latest book or survey online resources for personal development, decide on a task you need to complete.
Don't set a time limit; simply decide to work until you have completed the task.
Clear your Internet history - Every browser has a history button.
It lists every site you have visited.
Before you begin your task begin by clearing the history so that it shows nothing.
Begin your work and time yourself - Start your stopwatch and work as you normally would.
Research and work to the best of your ability.
Review your results - Once you are finished stop your stopwatch and make note of the time.
Use these guidelines to gauge your success.
How long did it take you reach your goal? - Note mentally all the times you stopped: Bathroom breaks, food, email checking, social media, texting and talking on the phone.
Review your internet history - Look at the sites you visited when you were "working".
Did you check Facebook or Twitter? Did you get sidetracked by an ad (marketers LOVE when you do)? Or did you use the web to research your project.
Go through each site and determine if it was a tool or a distraction.
The history tells it all.
The goal for the next time you have the same task is to beat the time you just made.
Consistent improvement is the goal.
There will come a time when you know exactly how long it actually takes to complete the task without distractions.
Once you have that information you are ready to do the same for other tasks.
Then the days are just one after the other of focused success.
If you want some help now to keep on task, these two apps will improve your times much quicker.
30/30 - This app helps keep you focused and on task.
I'll let the site tell you more about it.
The only drawback is that it's currently for iPhone only.
But a stopwatch with a countdown timer will do the same general thing.
Anti-Social - This app allows you to set time for projects and blocks your ability to access any social media sites while you're working.
You can also set as many web sites as you want based on the other distractions.
Focus is tough for many people.
Of course, like everything, your success or failure is all mental.
As I mentioned before there are some pretty profound reasons why people procrastinate and they do indeed have to do with your fears.
There certainly are some biological reasons for lack of focus.
If that is your case (meaning you have been diagnosed) then certainly get professional help.
For everyone else, look at what's the reason for your slowing or stopping.
There are reasons, and they're ones you can push past if you find them and work to eliminate them.
I say this with full impunity.
My first book took years to finish and I fully acknowledge the reason was fear-based.
My next book? (Shameless plug #2! Will be out in 3 months) You guessed it! It's about fear.
You know the life you want.
Don't be afraid to go after it.
Take out the distractions and you are on your way!