First Aid Kit
Some of the wholesale first aid kit providers who supply in the UK are given below:
First Aid Café is one of the leading First Aid Community in UK and has strength of more than 3500 in their work force.
First Aid Forward is the top organiser and promoter of first aid in the UK.
First Aid Directory is the web directory for suppliers of wholesale first aid kits.
First Aid Shop is an online shop for buying first aid kits in wholesale prices.
Some of the first aid kits that are provided in the wholesale shops are:
First Aid Kit – HSE 10 Person Kit in a Box
This is a first aid kit which is appropriate for an office with 10 workers contains the following:
Guidance booklet, water-proof plasters, standard dressing (eye pad, medium and large), triangular shaped bandages, alcohol-free swabs, safety pins, a pair of disposable gloves.
Domestic and Travel First Aid Kit
It contains a variety if first aid goods and is stored in a water proof nylon zip bag. It contains the following:
Sterilized dressing for medium wounds, a 7.5cm X 4.5m crape bandage, a 5cm X 4.5m conforming bandage, triangular bandage, sterilized water-proof plasters, alcohol-free swabs, a 7.5cm X 7.5cm low adherent dressing, a pair of disposable gloves, safety pins, a roll of micropore tape, a par of scissors, safety leaflet.
Vehicle/PVC First Aid Kit
It contains a variety of first aid equipment that can be stored in vehicle while travelling. It contains the following:
Scissors, medium sterile dressing, eyepad sterile dressing, a pair of gloves, safety pins, alcohol free cleansing wipes, assorted hypoallergenic plasters, HSE first aid guide leaflet.
First Aid Belt Pouch with Face Mask and Gloves
This black pouch contains a pair of gloves and resuscitation face mask. It is handy and can be fixed to a belt or carried in a pocket. It is used for the prevention of contamination while giving CPR or attending to wounds.
First Aid Café is one of the leading First Aid Community in UK and has strength of more than 3500 in their work force.
First Aid Forward is the top organiser and promoter of first aid in the UK.
First Aid Directory is the web directory for suppliers of wholesale first aid kits.
First Aid Shop is an online shop for buying first aid kits in wholesale prices.
Some of the first aid kits that are provided in the wholesale shops are:
First Aid Kit – HSE 10 Person Kit in a Box
This is a first aid kit which is appropriate for an office with 10 workers contains the following:
Guidance booklet, water-proof plasters, standard dressing (eye pad, medium and large), triangular shaped bandages, alcohol-free swabs, safety pins, a pair of disposable gloves.
Domestic and Travel First Aid Kit
It contains a variety if first aid goods and is stored in a water proof nylon zip bag. It contains the following:
Sterilized dressing for medium wounds, a 7.5cm X 4.5m crape bandage, a 5cm X 4.5m conforming bandage, triangular bandage, sterilized water-proof plasters, alcohol-free swabs, a 7.5cm X 7.5cm low adherent dressing, a pair of disposable gloves, safety pins, a roll of micropore tape, a par of scissors, safety leaflet.
Vehicle/PVC First Aid Kit
It contains a variety of first aid equipment that can be stored in vehicle while travelling. It contains the following:
Scissors, medium sterile dressing, eyepad sterile dressing, a pair of gloves, safety pins, alcohol free cleansing wipes, assorted hypoallergenic plasters, HSE first aid guide leaflet.
First Aid Belt Pouch with Face Mask and Gloves
This black pouch contains a pair of gloves and resuscitation face mask. It is handy and can be fixed to a belt or carried in a pocket. It is used for the prevention of contamination while giving CPR or attending to wounds.