Have You Read About the Green Tea Antioxidants?
What's the green tea antioxidant?There are actually a number of different green tea antioxidants, with names that are difficult to pronounce.
In most of the studies conducted by research groups concerning the health benefits of the beverage, the scientists used standardized and concentrated extracts that contained some or all of them.
Here's a brief look at what's been going on over the last few years.
Cancer prevention, heart disease prevention, stress prevention, cholesterol reduction, arthritis prevention and obesity prevention are just some of the areas that have been studied.
How could one little plant do so much?The truth is that most plants contain compounds that are beneficial to human health.
As a group, they are called polyphenol.
In a study sponsored by the American Association for Cancer research, a green tea antioxidant polyphenol preparation called "POLYPHENON E" was shown to limit the growth of colorectal tumors in rats treated with a substance that causes that type of cancer.
The researchers concluded that rats eating the preparation were less than half as likely to develop colon cancer.
Another study published in 2006 followed over 40,000 Japanese adults between the ages of 40 and 79 for a period of 11 years.
They concluded that participants that consumed more than 5 cups of green tea per day had a 26 percent lower risk of heart disease than those the drank less than a cup per day.
Studies like those don't indicate which green tea antioxidants are the most beneficial, but the combination of all of them.
The green tea antioxidants include the catechins EGCG, EGC, ECG and EC.
Polyphenols such as L-theanine, caffeine and the caffeine-like substances theophylline and theobromine are also found in the plants.
Researchers try to identify which compound provides the benefit for several reasons.
One is so that prescription drugs can be made from it.
There is already one prescription ointment based on the green tea antioxidant activity.
It is used to treat certain types of warts.
Most of us that take health supplements containing green tea antioxidants do so because of the decreased heart disease or cancer risk.
There is sufficient evidence to suggest that the teas help prevent breast and prostate cancer to allow manufacturers to list that claim on their packaging, according to the US FDA.
But, the green tea antioxidant is not the only one that has been studied repeatedly.
My personal goal is to strive to get as many healthy anti-oxidants and other nutrients as I possible can, every day, without exceeding my ideal caloric intake.
The only way that I can do that is with a multi-nutritional supplement.
The best ones contain all-natural extracts.
They aren't the cheapest, but they are the most effective.
As time goes by, we may learn more about which green tea antioxidants are most important or scientists may stop doing the research.
Whenever a new discovery comes along, everyone wants to be a part of the process, but as interest wanes, so does the research.
It is safe to say that a green tea antioxidant is unique and beneficial to human health.
That's enough for me.
If you have two minutes to spare, please take a look at my website now.
In most of the studies conducted by research groups concerning the health benefits of the beverage, the scientists used standardized and concentrated extracts that contained some or all of them.
Here's a brief look at what's been going on over the last few years.
Cancer prevention, heart disease prevention, stress prevention, cholesterol reduction, arthritis prevention and obesity prevention are just some of the areas that have been studied.
How could one little plant do so much?The truth is that most plants contain compounds that are beneficial to human health.
As a group, they are called polyphenol.
In a study sponsored by the American Association for Cancer research, a green tea antioxidant polyphenol preparation called "POLYPHENON E" was shown to limit the growth of colorectal tumors in rats treated with a substance that causes that type of cancer.
The researchers concluded that rats eating the preparation were less than half as likely to develop colon cancer.
Another study published in 2006 followed over 40,000 Japanese adults between the ages of 40 and 79 for a period of 11 years.
They concluded that participants that consumed more than 5 cups of green tea per day had a 26 percent lower risk of heart disease than those the drank less than a cup per day.
Studies like those don't indicate which green tea antioxidants are the most beneficial, but the combination of all of them.
The green tea antioxidants include the catechins EGCG, EGC, ECG and EC.
Polyphenols such as L-theanine, caffeine and the caffeine-like substances theophylline and theobromine are also found in the plants.
Researchers try to identify which compound provides the benefit for several reasons.
One is so that prescription drugs can be made from it.
There is already one prescription ointment based on the green tea antioxidant activity.
It is used to treat certain types of warts.
Most of us that take health supplements containing green tea antioxidants do so because of the decreased heart disease or cancer risk.
There is sufficient evidence to suggest that the teas help prevent breast and prostate cancer to allow manufacturers to list that claim on their packaging, according to the US FDA.
But, the green tea antioxidant is not the only one that has been studied repeatedly.
My personal goal is to strive to get as many healthy anti-oxidants and other nutrients as I possible can, every day, without exceeding my ideal caloric intake.
The only way that I can do that is with a multi-nutritional supplement.
The best ones contain all-natural extracts.
They aren't the cheapest, but they are the most effective.
As time goes by, we may learn more about which green tea antioxidants are most important or scientists may stop doing the research.
Whenever a new discovery comes along, everyone wants to be a part of the process, but as interest wanes, so does the research.
It is safe to say that a green tea antioxidant is unique and beneficial to human health.
That's enough for me.
If you have two minutes to spare, please take a look at my website now.