True Costs Of Driving Without Insurance
Every state in the union requires a driver to have ''proof of financial responsibility.
'' The exact requirements for that insurance may be different and so may the penalties, but rest assured that being caught driving without insurance will cost more than you might think, no matter where you live.
However, driving without insurance can be true a financial disaster.
When you are considering dropping your coverage ask yourself these questions: will I have a job if I don't have a driver's license, how will I pay all the fines and impound fees if a lose my job because I can not get to work, who is going to take care of my family if I go to jail for not paying those fines? Driving uninsured never makes sense.
'' The exact requirements for that insurance may be different and so may the penalties, but rest assured that being caught driving without insurance will cost more than you might think, no matter where you live.
- One misconception is that you do not have to provide proof of insurance unless you are breaking the law.
To the contrary, you must provide proof anytime an officer asks for it.
There are guidelines, but an officer can ask during routine traffic stops, at accident scenes, and during safety checks.
Do you know where every sobriety check point is? In some states, you have to show proof of insurance just to register a vehicle. - If you do not have proof of insurance in your vehicle, you will be required to appear in court.
That means losing a day's pay to begin with.
You didn't think of that before, did you? Missing a day's work is a serious expense that's only compounded by the penalties you may have to pay. - If you do not have proof of insurance in court, you will lose your license for one year in many states.
You will also be fined anywhere from $100 to $500 for the first offense, and of course it only gets more expensive each time after that. - Some states will even impound your vehicle for lack of insurance.
That will cost you $35 to $75 a day for the impound fees.
Plus, most towing companies are not liable for any damage your vehicles incurs during this process.
Of course, your insurance can't cover this damage if you don't have a policy. - If you are involved in an accident and do not have insurance, you will be liable for all damages, fined heavily, and could lose your driver's license for life.
However, driving without insurance can be true a financial disaster.
When you are considering dropping your coverage ask yourself these questions: will I have a job if I don't have a driver's license, how will I pay all the fines and impound fees if a lose my job because I can not get to work, who is going to take care of my family if I go to jail for not paying those fines? Driving uninsured never makes sense.