What Can a Chronograph Do For An Airsoft Shooter?
Chronographs provide many functions.
However what they do ensure, through their use, is safety.
Knowledge of your weapon is key.
Chronographs up your knowledge base, thus boosting you and your squad on the safety charts.
A chronograph is a device that measures the speed of any projectile in flight.
It measures the speed of airsoft BB's, bullets, arrows, shotgun & airgun pellets, paintballs, etc..
Depending on the model or brand they are capable of measuring from 30/fps.
to 7000/fps.
and with better than 99.
5% accuracy in most cases.
A chronograph is the number one tool for an airsoft enthusiast.
As a responsible airsofter, you need to know how your weapon is responding and be aware of the impact to your enemy counterpart on the battlefield.
Not only that, but you want great performance from your weapons.
This is how you stay in tune with your airsoft guns.
When looking for a chronograph you want to look for affordability, functionality and most of all flawless performance.
Chronographs are very easy to use.
They can be mounted on a tripod or placed on a table.
Some have a skyscreen or diffusers (like small antennas) that provide an area to shoot through so that the BB's can be measured.
Other more compact units have a hole to shoot through in order to take its measurements.
Either way, the device should be stationary to provide the best results.
The velocity typically is shown on the screen and stays on until you shoot again.
Besides the velocity of a current shot, some chronographs also calculate an average velocity, standard deviation, the fastest and the slowest shot.
Some show individual shot velocity measurements and allows deleting individual shots from memory.
Depending on the model and grade of chronograph, some can remember up to 60 shots even when turned off.
Other options offered by some are jacks for a ballistic printer and IBM Interface allowing you to download your data onto your computer.
There are several choices when upgrading in chronographs.
Again, safety is number one here.
Always wear you shooting glasses when testing your weapons.
Never shoot toward anyone or any animal.
Be aware of this when in the process of testing your airsoft guns with a chronograph.
Have a designated safe place for testing that ensures no accidental BB encounters.
Knowing your weapon is of the utmost importance.
There are many factors that determine your accuracy, velocity, and amount of impact on your enemy.
The weight of the BB being used, a full or partial chamber of gas, a fully charged battery versus a low charge, weather conditions, and lubrication of your weapon are all factors.
The chronograph is the main tool for getting you familiar with your weapons.