The Best Way to Fall Asleep With the TV On
Many people will tell you that they only fall asleep whilst watching the telly but other people will say that they cannot stand to have it on as it only keeps them awake.
But who is right? Well, no one is right actually as everyone is different but there are some things which will affect a person's views on this.
There are some useful tips for getting yourself off to sleep while watching TV.
TV could be a great method for aiding sleep if done properly.
When people try to fall asleep to their telly, they normally make at least one of three mistakes that i am going to mention.
A few will always forget to put the sleep timer on.
It is a silly idea not to turn this on; as it will mean that, you have to get up to switch the TV off later on, which will defeat the object entirely.
If you aren't used to using the TV as a method of getting off to sleep then your body will not be used to it at first.
The sleep timer will allow your body to feel relaxed after it has gone off to sleep and setting it for enough time won't accidentally wake you up if it goes off just as you're going off which would disturb you.
Then there is the trouble with volume, if it's on very loud then you obviously wont sleep because you are disturbed by the noise but equally as troubling is if you have the sound down too low that you end up concentrating too hard on trying to hear it or forgetting that the TV is on altogether which is pointless.
Also, if you're watching a program or a film that you like, that's fine but it shouldn't be so interesting after all, it's not on for the sake of watching really.
If the program ends up being something you really enjoy or are finding particularly interesting then you will have a hard time of drifting off, as it is likely to keep grabbing your attention.
You should ideally watch something, which is not too good but just about reasonable viewing.