Why Would I Purchase an Electric Bike?
There are very many riders in this world who have the ability to ride their bikes places some of us may only dream of riding to.
They are capable of long trips, marathons, back country riding etc, but what about ME? The rest of us that have the bad knees, poor cardio or any one of a hundred different reasons that we can not ride as efficiently as we would care to, but we still like to enjoy the pleasure of bike riding.
To ride a bike on a flat stretch of road is easy for most people, but when there are hills involved this ride now becomes a real struggle or even a "bike walk".
You remember the hill you had to walk your bike up because you just could not pedal it anymore.
That is a "bike walk".
To be able to add some assistance while you are riding will allow you to travel farther, more comfortably and you also get the choice of how much effort you want to put into your bike ride.
To open up options for being able to move around without having to bring out the gas guzzler is good for everybody concerned.
I feel that just because someone is not as capable of riding as others may be, they still deserve the right to enjoy a bike ride as much as the next person.
As gas prices continue to climb we all should be looking at alternate methods of transportation, as well as this is a natural method to help improve ones own fitness and health.
I am an owner of an electric bike and I am very happy to be able to ride again, I am not getting into any marathons or anything like that but I am out and about riding again, thanks to my electric bike.