What Can I Do With a Female Dog in Heat?
Female dogs in heat can be frustrating to deal with.
However, remember that her natural cycle is not her fault, and try not to take your grumpiness out on your dog.
Also, if you want to avoid future heat cycles with your female dog, and are not a professional breeder, plan on getting her spayed right away.
She can be spayed while she is in heat or estrus, so don't hesitate to make an appointment with your vet to get it done! There are a couple of problems that happen when the female dog begins her cycle.
First, there is a bloody discharge that comes out of her vulva.
This can stain carpeting and furniture.
So many people opt to restrain their dogs in one room of the house that is easy to clean.
Or else they crate their dog.
Another option is to have her wear "doggie diapers" that will catch any discharge that does happen to come out.
The other big frustration with your female dog coming into heat is that she will attract male dogs.
Unneutered male dogs are attracted to the smell of a female in heat and will often hop fences, run away from their owners, or otherwise make every effort to gain access to her for mating.
If your yard or fence is not super-secure, you may have unwanted visits from male dogs in your area and even an unplanned pregnancy for your dog.
Don't let that happen, stay with your bitch when she is outdoors and consider keeping her inside when you can't be there to supervise her (for example when you're away at work).
However, remember that her natural cycle is not her fault, and try not to take your grumpiness out on your dog.
Also, if you want to avoid future heat cycles with your female dog, and are not a professional breeder, plan on getting her spayed right away.
She can be spayed while she is in heat or estrus, so don't hesitate to make an appointment with your vet to get it done! There are a couple of problems that happen when the female dog begins her cycle.
First, there is a bloody discharge that comes out of her vulva.
This can stain carpeting and furniture.
So many people opt to restrain their dogs in one room of the house that is easy to clean.
Or else they crate their dog.
Another option is to have her wear "doggie diapers" that will catch any discharge that does happen to come out.
The other big frustration with your female dog coming into heat is that she will attract male dogs.
Unneutered male dogs are attracted to the smell of a female in heat and will often hop fences, run away from their owners, or otherwise make every effort to gain access to her for mating.
If your yard or fence is not super-secure, you may have unwanted visits from male dogs in your area and even an unplanned pregnancy for your dog.
Don't let that happen, stay with your bitch when she is outdoors and consider keeping her inside when you can't be there to supervise her (for example when you're away at work).