Eliminating the Agent When Buying Dallas Bank Foreclosures
Agents want a commission and when you are trying to buy a property at the lowest price possible then you may want to eliminate the agent from the equation altogether. You do not have to use an agent to purchase a home owned by a lender. When a homeowner has a home listed in the MLS at market value then you may have to use an agent if they want you to. However, foreclosed homes do not require it and it can save you money on the commission which will help keep the costs to a minimum.
Banks and lenders own the distressed homes which have been to an auction and didn't sell. There are thousands of homes on the market today owned by the banks that are foreclosed. Anyone can walk into a lender and talk to someone about the homes they have on their books that are for sale. You don't have to be an agent for a lender to talk to you. They want to sell the homes right away and it is people like you purchasing them.
A lender that has homes on their books needs to sell them as quickly as possible. This is because banks cannot have homes on their books for a long period of time. They need to sell the homes right away because they are in the cash and loan business and not real estate. Banks don't know how to sell homes but give the loans to customers to buy them.
When you walk into a lender and ask them for a list of Dallas Bank Foreclosures they have on their books it is important to keep in mind that the list they will give you is the list of homes they currently own. They may not have any information about homes that the lender down the street has available. This may require you to pay a visit to a few different banks before you find the home you are looking for. The great thing about working directly with a lender is that you can get financing from them too.