Use a Map to Find Your Destination

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Your car is all packed up and ready to go.
You are about to drive down to the South of France to relax in the glorious sun and your staying in a luxury villa with a pool that you have rented for two weeks.
You have been picturing your self sipping cocktails there for months so you drive to the Euro Tunnel full of excitement.
Once you arrive in France you drive until you see the first signs for the motorway and reach for your map to decide which road you need to choose only to discover in horror that you have forgotten your map! After a few moments blind panic, you pick a motorway at random and hope it is the right road but you never get to see your lovely farmhouse at all, you do see a lot of the French countryside though.
Most of us have destinations we want to reach in our lives, places which will improve the quality of our lives for our selves and our families.
These destinations we desire are often called goals which we set to improve our lives.
Unfortunately too many of us treat goal setting in our lives the same way as our trip to France, we have no map to help us reach our goal so we randomly travel down any road at all and never reach our destiny-ation.
A good clearly set goal becomes our destination and as we break that goal into smaller more manageable goals, this becomes our map to get there.
First you must know what you want to be What would you wish for if you could be or do anything? Which career would you choose if you had no limitations at all? If you could wave a magic wand now and change any aspect of your life what would you change? Once you know what you want from life you would think it must be the easiest thing in the world to make those changes but in fact change is a difficult thing, why is that? Our busy lives take over.
Have you ever gone into the supermarket to buy just five different items only to come out with three bags of shopping but having forgotten half the things you originally went in for? Why is that? It's because we got distracted by all the other shiny items that were in there! This happens so often in our lives as we set ourselves a new goal but our best intentions are often forgotten as we deal with day to day living.
Just as having a written shopping list would help at the supermarket, having a good clear written goal is like having a shopping list for our lives.
As you set your goals remember the four goal criteria you can use to make sure your goals are set correctly.
What? Is your goal is going to be.
You need to specific about your goal.
For example, if you want to improve your earnings it needs to be an accurate figure.
Why? Do you want to achieve your goal, what's in it for you? This is possibly the most important and yet the most over looked part of goal setting.
The why is the very reason you are putting in this extra effort.
If you constantly focus on the why or what's in it for more part of your goal you will find the image of your goal will burn bright in your imagination and motivate to really achieve.
When? putting a time limit on when we want to achieve makes it achievable and measurable.
If you said you wanted to earn more money than you currently earn and you earn an extra 20p each year would achieve your goal! How? You are going to reach your goal.
You do this by breaking down your goal into smaller goals along the way.
Going back to our example of setting your financial goal you would break your annual goal of wanting to earn to earn £55,000 to monthly figure of £4,584.
Then find out what your average commission is per sale which will tell you exactly how many sales you will need to make every day or week.
Write down your goal and review it as often as possible.
Put pictures of what you will use the money for when you reach your goal.
Think about it every single day goal setting gets some bad press but that is from people who do not how to set them properly.
This is a very simplistic over view of goal setting.
Our seminar 'The inner game of selling' will help you set goals in a thorough and comprehensive manner.
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