How to Get Over Approach Anxiety - Tips to Make Approaching Women Become a Lot Easier
There are lots of different theories on approach anxiety; where it comes from, and why guys have to go through it. Theories on why it happens are just that and not really that important. What you really need to be able to do is to get over that anxious feeling when approaching a woman, and make it EASY on yourself.
Here are 3 tips on how to approach women without all of the anxious feelings:
1. Think of what the woman is feeling.
While guys feel anxious about the approach, women tend to feel anxious about BEING approached. Think of it like this. You are a woman just standing somewhere, minding your own business. And all of a sudden, some guy comes along and just wants to start a conversation with you for no reason at all. Well, you can imagine how that might make a woman feel, so keep that in mind.
2. One of the main reasons why guys feel anxious is because they wait too long.
The longer that you wait to walk on over to her, the harder it is going to be. I mean, why give yourself the time to think of all of the possible scenarios or the reasons why she might reject you. Thinking along those lines, you would probably NEVER get the nerve to approach a woman, and where is that going to get you? Alone on a Friday or Saturday night, that's what it will get you.
3. You have to build up your confidence when walking over to her.
The inner game is not nearly as sexy as pickup lines or other aspects of approaching and picking up women. But, if you neglect the inner game, then all of the other aspects are for nothing. See, you NEED to have that CONFIDENCE to create attraction with a woman. It's the main ingredient in the recipe of attraction, so don't let that confidence get neglected.
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