Master Colors in French - Adjectives of Colors Follow Very Strict Rules
So, we've studied the clothes in French, the adjectives of texture, the shoes, so now, let's look at yet another clothe related essentials: the colors.
I will list here the common colors. Of course, we also use “abricot” or “turquoise”, "ambre" or "avocat"... If you are a color fan, check out:
Les couleurs - colors
- Beige - beige
- Noir - black
- Bleu - blue
- Brown - marron (invariable)
- Golden - doré
- Green - vert
- Grey - gris
- Multicolore- multicolored
- Orange - orange (invariable)
- Pink - rose
- Purple - violet (violette)
- Red - rouge
- Silver - argenté
- Transparent - transparent
- White - blanc (blanche)
- Yellow - jaune
To nuance these adjectives, we also use these other adjectives:
- Light - clair
- Dark - fonce´
- Bright – Vif (feminine vive)
- Pale - pa^le
French Color Adjectives and Names of Stones, Fruits, Flowers etc...
Adjectives coming from nouns of fruits, precious stones or flowers are invariable, in general. Some common colors coming from fruits/ stones / flowers include:
- Marron (horse chestnut)
- Noisette (hazelnut)
- Olive (olive)
- Citron (lemon)
- Orange (orange)
- Abricot (apricot)
- Lavande (lavender)
- Fuschia (fuschia)
- Turquoise (turquoise)
- Brique (brick)
- Bronze (bronze)
- And the list goes on and on...
so, since these do not change, you would say:
- Des cravates orange – orange ties (not oranges)
- Des yeux marron – brown eyes (not marrons)
- Des yeux noisette – hazel eyes (not noisettes)
- Des fleurs fuschia - fuschia color flowers (not fuschia/e/s)
- Des chaussures citron - lemon color shoes (not citron/e/s)
- Des pantalons cerise - cherry color pants (not cerises)
Except for “pourpre (purple red), mauve, rose, e´carlate (scarlet red), fauve (fawn), incarnat (crimson red)” which agree with the number and gender of the noun they modify.
- Des chaussures roses – pink shoes
?Why are these exceptions? I don't know, it makes very little sense if you ask me... and many French people may not know these exceptions... or the rule itself actually!
I would add that "une violette" is a flower, but we do say "des chaussures violettes"... so.... The rule may not be super consistent!
When Several Adjectives Form One Single Color in French
When a color uses several colors, or an adjective of nuance, then the color adjectives are invariable.
- Une Chemise bleu vert (not bleue verte)
- Des yeux gris bleu (not gris bleus)
- Une robe vert pa^le. (not verte pa^le)
Voilà, now you are ready to practice this all in my "learn French In Context Lesson" - Shopping for Clothes in a French Shop - Au magasin.
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