Wedding Supplies Galore
There are many types of wedding supplies. Here are some categories:
- Documentation Supplies
Documentation is always present in a wedding. Everyone, especially the newlyweds, would want to remember this special day in their lives. The supplies under the documentation category could include photo albums, guest books, black CD's and DVD's (for the video) and other imaging and video platforms.
- Decoration Supplies
Another category of supplies used in a wedding is the decoration supplies. These are the ornaments used to make a more romantic and festive ambiance in the ceremony and in the reception. Decorations include flowers, fabrics, lighting and fixtures.
- Food, Beverage and Dining Supplies
These supplies are important for the party after the ceremony. These kinds of supplies are usually handled by the caterer as they are the ones assigned for the storage, preparation and service of food and beverage during the reception. Dining supplies include the plates, napkins and other utensils.
- Ceremony Supplies
The ceremony supplies usually consist of the items that are used during the ceremony. Examples of these supplies are the wedding rings, candles, cord, arras and flower baskets. These are indispensable supplies are these details are part of the ceremony itself.
- Paper Supplies
Stationary is part of the paper supplies. It is with these supplies that the invitations, RSVP cards and Thank You cards are written. Also belonging to the paper supplies are menu cards and seating cards.
- Souvenir and Give-away Supplies
Newlyweds would want to thank their guests in taking part of their special day. This is the reason why there are souvenir and give-away supplies in a wedding. Low-budget weddings would include a small token such as a figurine as their souvenir. Weddings with high budget would give away a token and a goody bag for their guests to take home.
Wedding supplies are the details that are necessary for the success of the entire event. It may be a lot to handle that's why having a checklist will make things a lot easier. A systematic and organized approach will save you time and money in purchasing and using these supplies.
To your beautiful wedding!