Why Pay a Lawyer to Expunge Your Florida Arrest Record?
First of all what does expunge mean. It literally means the criminal history record is wiped clean and vanishes from the public view. I have had judges sign an order granting a petition to expunge in the morning and the record is off the clerk of the court's public website by that very afternoon. But do you need a lawyer to do this? Lawyers charge anywhere from $500 to $1500.00 for this process. But should you even bother? Well, my answer to that is once the record is expunged you can then lawfully deny ever being arrested. There are of course several minor exceptions. So I say you should do it.
The reality is that if you can read, write, type make a few telephone calls you can do the very same thing yourself All the information that you need is really on the web. An excellent e-book is available for $19.95 at www.expungemyfloridaarrest.com. Yes, indeed you may recognize the author! Me, your humble servant!
The e-book will literally take you step by step. Chock full of information including addresses and telephone numbers and actually would be a bargain at double the price. Why wait, buy it now, download and start expunging your criminal history.
 I assure you that the process given in the e-book is the exactly the same as I follow in my practice.
copyright, Timothy Foster, 2010