Florida DUI Law – What You Need to Know
For first time offenders
For DUI violation that results in property damage is considered misdemeanor of the first degree while any DUI violation that results in serious physical injury to another is considered a third degree felony. Any DUI violation that results in death of another person is considered DUI manslaughter and can be classified either a first or second degree felony.
For a first DUI conviction in Florida, the driver's license is revoked for at least six months. The maximum of revocation of license is one year.
In terms of fines, the first conviction can lead the offender to be given a minimum fine of $250.00 and a maximum fine of $500.00. The fine can become higher if the offender has a blood-alcohol level (BAC) or breath alcohol level of 0.20 or higher or if a minor is present in the car of the offender when the incident happened. Usually, the maximum fine can become $1,000.00 and the minimum fine can become $500.00.
In terms of jail time or incarceration for first time offenders, the maximum jail sentence that can be given is six months. A nine-month jail time can be given to offender that is found guilty of having a blood-alcohol level or breath-alcohol level of 0.20 or above or a minor is with him in the vehicle during the incident.
First offense might also result in vehicle impound of ten days, unless the car to be impounded is the only means of transportation of the family of the offender. The offender might also be obliged to attend a Florida DUI School. He must complete 12 hours. Probation of a year and 50 hours of community service are also obligatory for first time offenders in Florida.
Now that you know these rules on DUI for first time offenders, be guided with them when you face your first offense in this state. When you have committed your first offense, make sure that you won't commit a second or third offense because the penalties are more severe if circumventing DUI laws of the state becomes repetitive.