How To StartAn Article Directory Business
This is normal as search engines are always looking for content. When their spiders find a site with lots of new content posted on it every day, they will come back, over and over again and give higher ranking to this site.
It does take time to build such a site. Then it takes even more time to find authors to publish their articles on your site. This is my experience. I am not a programmer, but do hire programmers to do this tech work, and have found this to be true
Start publishing your own articles every day to make the site interesting for search engines. If you can't write your own articles at first, subscribe to an orignal article writing service that can make at least 30 articles a month for you. Rewrite just one article each day. You can change the headlines a little at first. Also, you can change the body of the articles. As time goes by, you can make more and more changes in the articles until they become virtually all your own work.
Then you are ready to start writing your own articles based on your own life experience. The most popular original articles written are usually for home business and health categories. You can subscribe to these services forever and then just make the basic written ideas all your own. This will take the stress out of coming up with a new idea for an article every day.
Try to market to have other authors writing articles for your directory also. It will be difficult, at first to be trusted by the best authors when your directory is a new one with almost no articles on it.
Approach article content submission services and tell them the straight truth about your new business. Ask them to add you to their list of content article directories to which they submit articles, from lots of writers, to. Some will the first time you approach them and others will wait weeks and even months before sending you articles to be sure you are going to be in business for a long time.
Go to google and look up daily medical tips and articles. Some are very good for getting frequent medical writings that are highly professional and will send you frequent papers that are complete with lots of authoritative sources. You will find these great health education reading for yourself and your subscribers as well as great additions to your growing list.
Approach some of the constant and good writers who submit articles to you and ask them if they would be interested in writing articles for your subscribers. Ask them how much they would charge for 400, 500 or more word articles exclusive to your subscribers. Eventually you will have a list of article, ebook, blog and even website writers that you will be able to post prices for all these services and make yourself regular commissions off of these skilled authors.
Granted, it takes a little love of this business to do this much leg work but it is fun, exciting and eventually profitable for you.
Articles need to be of a very high standard and cover hundreds of niche interest subjects. As little as one good article needs to be added on a daily basis to your directory and to a related blog.
Go to other article directories, that let you use their free articles, follow their requirements for posting them to another source, and start placing them on your site.
Start placing articles through an article submitting site. A few of these will give you great service, at very low prices and even teach you better ways to write your articles and the other details involved in this great business.
You will be allowed to receive lots of articles everyday, through your email. You can pick the best of these articles to put in your directory and the authors will love you for it because they pick up links for their articles. Just be sure to follow their easy requirements for posting articles.
You can now email the best writers and invite them to post articles on your, now growing, posting site. Some of them will add you to their list and post articles on many subjects to your site every day giving you vastly increased credibility to the web crawlers looking for new content.
Subscribers need to see good, interesting, creative articles every day. Sending nice emails to your good writers will bring them daily satisfaction and some will even subscribe to your newsletter and rss link.
In total, it may seem difficult to do this but if you want to be a good article directory editor this is what you need to do.
The potential for making money has never been more attractive. You also need to link all your pages to Google Adsense advertisements for more income.
You can also make extra income from having related affiliate links.
Many webmasters are already running an article directory and will soon be enjoying the fruits of their labor.
Your software needs to be designed to be user navigation friendly, and have testimonials from clients to confirm it. You need to have information about the authors on the database and also copyright information plus direct software writer assistance for your contributing writers. Seek programmer help for these if you are not privy to such skills.
You want to think like a long term business entrepreneur, to build firm relationships with subscribers. Your reputation will be built on using a growing pool of respected Authors, producing completely original and well researched work. Other companies in the field will try to compete with you but the sheer scale of your unique niche ambitious operation will be less vulnerable because they cannot be you.