Future World in America
Seeing Your Future World can be an exciting thought or very depressing.
It depends on where you are coming from, your perspective.
This blog,Future in the United States, concerns America and where it is heading during the 21st century.
Specifically, Future in the United States will attempt to forecast the destiny of this great country and its countrymen.
Not beating around the bush, getting up close and personal, the United States is shedding its cloak of divine good fortune and steering into a head wind of tumultuous social and economic upheavals.
The end result is not certain.
You can count on this, there will be a tremendous shake up of the power structure in America.
I am not telling anything out of school.
Believe it, the "smart money" already knows what I am saying is true.
And most importantly, the movers and shakers are already taking steps to survive and succeed in this forthcoming very challenging and exciting environment.
Social and Economic Changes in America Social and economic changes happening to the United States spells big trouble for the shrinking middle class and the economy in general.
The number one issue for working Americans is jobs.
Where are the jobs going to come from? Nobody seems to know.
It's a scary situation.
Especially if you don't have a job and have a family to feed.
Obama's World Trade Hopefully Obama's Export Initiative will help the small business and manufacturing sectors get some jobs and good incomes going.
Obama's trade initiative focuses on aggressive penetration of large international markets that will want to import our products.
Countries like China, India and Brazil are a few examples.
Increasing exports in the United States will generate new well paying manufacturing jobs.
Obama is making a special pitch to the small business sector.
He has directed his staff involved in his export initiative to help small businesses get successfully involved with export trade.
This involves opening up markets and products and informing small businesses which countries and products are desirable.
Where will the Jobs Come From? Honestly, it is very hard to predict or tell.
We know the service sector and health sector are providing jobs right now.
But here again, not everybody can teach or become a nurse.
So what else is out there? Don't forget a very big contributor to jobs right now...
the United States Government is a very big time employer.
And the government has an excellent pay scale.
So, don't knock it.
Listen up people, are you interested in putting food on the table or do you want to be a starving political philosopher? Your Future World in America No question about it.
Times are challenging.
You have to keep your spirits up.
No matter what! This is no time to get down on yourself.
You need lots of hope and inspiration.
It won't hurt if you can find some friends to network with.
Finding a job is your number one priority.
There are some jobs out there-try the United States Government and or military.
Then there is service work and health care.
Guess what is a hot growth industry right now? The U.
If you really want a job and your options are very questionable, then give the military some thought.
It depends on where you are coming from, your perspective.
This blog,Future in the United States, concerns America and where it is heading during the 21st century.
Specifically, Future in the United States will attempt to forecast the destiny of this great country and its countrymen.
Not beating around the bush, getting up close and personal, the United States is shedding its cloak of divine good fortune and steering into a head wind of tumultuous social and economic upheavals.
The end result is not certain.
You can count on this, there will be a tremendous shake up of the power structure in America.
I am not telling anything out of school.
Believe it, the "smart money" already knows what I am saying is true.
And most importantly, the movers and shakers are already taking steps to survive and succeed in this forthcoming very challenging and exciting environment.
Social and Economic Changes in America Social and economic changes happening to the United States spells big trouble for the shrinking middle class and the economy in general.
The number one issue for working Americans is jobs.
Where are the jobs going to come from? Nobody seems to know.
It's a scary situation.
Especially if you don't have a job and have a family to feed.
Obama's World Trade Hopefully Obama's Export Initiative will help the small business and manufacturing sectors get some jobs and good incomes going.
Obama's trade initiative focuses on aggressive penetration of large international markets that will want to import our products.
Countries like China, India and Brazil are a few examples.
Increasing exports in the United States will generate new well paying manufacturing jobs.
Obama is making a special pitch to the small business sector.
He has directed his staff involved in his export initiative to help small businesses get successfully involved with export trade.
This involves opening up markets and products and informing small businesses which countries and products are desirable.
Where will the Jobs Come From? Honestly, it is very hard to predict or tell.
We know the service sector and health sector are providing jobs right now.
But here again, not everybody can teach or become a nurse.
So what else is out there? Don't forget a very big contributor to jobs right now...
the United States Government is a very big time employer.
And the government has an excellent pay scale.
So, don't knock it.
Listen up people, are you interested in putting food on the table or do you want to be a starving political philosopher? Your Future World in America No question about it.
Times are challenging.
You have to keep your spirits up.
No matter what! This is no time to get down on yourself.
You need lots of hope and inspiration.
It won't hurt if you can find some friends to network with.
Finding a job is your number one priority.
There are some jobs out there-try the United States Government and or military.
Then there is service work and health care.
Guess what is a hot growth industry right now? The U.
If you really want a job and your options are very questionable, then give the military some thought.