The first part of poker is just pure luck.
When the first cards are dealt, what you then receive is luck, as is the flop, turn and river. No player, regardless of the amount of skill the individual holds will be able to tell you which cards are going to turn up next. The player has no idea what cards the other players hold either.
When a player first receives two cards, that player has had no choice in the matter. If the player has two aces it is likely that he or she will have more of a chance of winning than another player with a two hearts and 8 clubs. How much skill has that involved? Absolutely none. Obviously the maths and statistics take a huge role in the game as a player can calculate a rough estimate of the chance he or she will have in winning, but usually only after the turn or river as they will then know what they have on the hand that could be of value.
But again the cards could go against them meaning that regardless of how good their mathematics are they will not win. Skill is something unique which can really only be judged if a person with such skill can compete against numerous elements. If we were to fix all the cards in a way that made the unskilled player receive the best cards continuously, would the skilled poker player still be able to win, absolutley not, because there is no skill involved in receiving cards and what comes after.
Like online casinos the game of poker is based on luck, and whilst many would argue that certain players seem to always win the biggest competitions ask yourself why. If Mr Nobody suddenly wins the World Poker Championships what happens? Mr Nobody then has free entry to most of the Worlds best and biggest tournaments meaning he can possibly win 4 out of the 50 tournaments played and is suddenly called a great poker player.
The reason certain players always win the bigger tournaments is because they play at enough tournaments to win enough tournaments. One winner means thousands of losers, but this does not necessarily mean the winner has more skill than that of the losers. The one major difference between US casinos [] and online poker is that in poker you have the choice to fold half way through a game and no amount of skill is going to change that.