Dating Hot Women - Ways to Ensure You Can Get and Keep Attractive Women
It is something many guys want.
One of the problems with doing this is that many guys change up when they are around hot women.
They think that they have to be extra nice and extra caring.
Wait on her.
Cater to her.
Basically go out of their way to make the woman happy.
Well this method can be all wrong if you want to get and keep hot women...
The Key to Dating Hot Women: do not seem Desperate.
All of the things that cater to the hot woman's every desire really seem like nothing more than desperation.
In no way is desperation sexy and it will never help you get attractive women.
The key to dating hot women is not to be rude but you need to show that you are both interested in her yet that you could easily live without her.
Get and keep attractive women with compliments? This is a little bit of an "art" thing.
Too many compliments can screw up your chances believe it or not.
It leads back to the whole desperation thing.
But a very few that are well done can help.
The important secret is to make them natural and to compliment on things that the woman controls.
Do not ever tell her "you are beautiful.
" Try something like, "The way you do your hair really highlights your beauty".
It is a subtle difference but it is important.
The Key to Dating Hot Women: Sexual Tension.
If there is no sexual tension it is hard to move beyond the friend stage.
Part of sexual tension is flirting but it is much more than that.
It is all of the little things that make a woman attracted to a man in ways that she perhaps cannot control or really understand.
An average looking guy who understands how to control sexual tension will do very well with dating hot women.
Learn all about Sexual Tension