How Do You "Love" Your Child?
Having a loving relationship with your children is a beautiful and most wonderful thing in the world.
However, it may not always come easily because children express love in their own unique way.
You love your children very much, so it's important to learn each child's unique and preferred ways of communicating love.
I've had to learn this the hard way since my children are all very different.
Determine Your Child's "Love Language" The best way to make your child feel loved and safe is to discover how they would like to be loved and go with their preference.
This may not be the same way that you like to be loved yourself, and I have learned this from first experience: * Many children enjoy "feeling" and enjoy lots of hugs and kisses * Some are more "hearing" oriented and want to hear how much you love them * Others want to "see" expressions of your love through cards, notes, or other visual means * Some want you nearby at all times, while others are happiest with their independence Are you Listening to Your Children? There are many things to keep in mind as you strengthen your relationship with your children, but perhaps the most important is the fact that you need to let your children become independent and find their true selves, no matter how difficult it is for you.
You'll want to give your children your attention while, at the same time, allowing them freedom.
You can do this by allowing them to spend time with their friends, but make sure you schedule a regular get together at your own house so you can remain involved.
This is something we always do, not only do our children love entertaining in our home, but we as parents also know where and who are children with when they are in our home.
While it's critical to let them know your feelings on important subjects, at the same time be sure to value your child's opinion also.
They need to have their say, too! This means that you need to trust your kids and believe that they'll make good decisions.
Okay, this is difficult at first, but remember you must trust that you have taught them correctly and that they will make the correct choices.
Understanding Your Children You may not remember what it was like to go through the same stages your children are going through, however, it's important to at least try to understand their underlying thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.
Here are some communication tips: * Get down on the child's level - talk with them and not down to them * Really listen to what they're saying, drop what you are doing at the moment and pay close attention * Don't judge them - you can help them through problems without passing judgment * Be sympathetic - tell them about a time when you faced a similar problem.
Spend Quality Time with Your Children While there are different love languages that you can use to express love with your children, spending quality time with your children is a big part of all of them.
Whether you're simply engaging in everyday activities or you're going on an exciting adventure, treasure each moment with your child! If you have more than one child, it's important to spend individual time with each of them.
Children need to feel special and, by giving your individual attention, it shows them your love.
We like to schedule one on one time with each child, which of course makes them feel very special.
The Teenage Years When your kids grow into their teenage years, it can prove to be a difficult time.
Teens sometimes withdraw and decide to spend more time with friends rather than family.
However, there are still strategies you can follow to continue a loving relationship.
Here are some things to remember: * Allow your teenager privacy.
Trust your teen if you have no reason to do otherwise.
* Treat him like an adult as often as possible, but maintain the parent/child connection.
* Have dinner together every day, with our busy schedules this may be difficult but it's important to make this a family ritual.
When you have dinner together as a family, it's quality time.
You can use this time to keep in touch with their lives, hopes and aspirations.
Teens and other family members can get busy and it's important to have those windows into their lives every day.
Frequent communication is a key to any loving relationship.
Applying some or all of these tips will help in expressing your LOVE to your child, no matter what type they are.
My children know that I am the lovey, huggy type and are prepared when I come near them.
Find the perfect method that works for you and your children and start applying those methods today!
However, it may not always come easily because children express love in their own unique way.
You love your children very much, so it's important to learn each child's unique and preferred ways of communicating love.
I've had to learn this the hard way since my children are all very different.
Determine Your Child's "Love Language" The best way to make your child feel loved and safe is to discover how they would like to be loved and go with their preference.
This may not be the same way that you like to be loved yourself, and I have learned this from first experience: * Many children enjoy "feeling" and enjoy lots of hugs and kisses * Some are more "hearing" oriented and want to hear how much you love them * Others want to "see" expressions of your love through cards, notes, or other visual means * Some want you nearby at all times, while others are happiest with their independence Are you Listening to Your Children? There are many things to keep in mind as you strengthen your relationship with your children, but perhaps the most important is the fact that you need to let your children become independent and find their true selves, no matter how difficult it is for you.
You'll want to give your children your attention while, at the same time, allowing them freedom.
You can do this by allowing them to spend time with their friends, but make sure you schedule a regular get together at your own house so you can remain involved.
This is something we always do, not only do our children love entertaining in our home, but we as parents also know where and who are children with when they are in our home.
While it's critical to let them know your feelings on important subjects, at the same time be sure to value your child's opinion also.
They need to have their say, too! This means that you need to trust your kids and believe that they'll make good decisions.
Okay, this is difficult at first, but remember you must trust that you have taught them correctly and that they will make the correct choices.
Understanding Your Children You may not remember what it was like to go through the same stages your children are going through, however, it's important to at least try to understand their underlying thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.
Here are some communication tips: * Get down on the child's level - talk with them and not down to them * Really listen to what they're saying, drop what you are doing at the moment and pay close attention * Don't judge them - you can help them through problems without passing judgment * Be sympathetic - tell them about a time when you faced a similar problem.
Spend Quality Time with Your Children While there are different love languages that you can use to express love with your children, spending quality time with your children is a big part of all of them.
Whether you're simply engaging in everyday activities or you're going on an exciting adventure, treasure each moment with your child! If you have more than one child, it's important to spend individual time with each of them.
Children need to feel special and, by giving your individual attention, it shows them your love.
We like to schedule one on one time with each child, which of course makes them feel very special.
The Teenage Years When your kids grow into their teenage years, it can prove to be a difficult time.
Teens sometimes withdraw and decide to spend more time with friends rather than family.
However, there are still strategies you can follow to continue a loving relationship.
Here are some things to remember: * Allow your teenager privacy.
Trust your teen if you have no reason to do otherwise.
* Treat him like an adult as often as possible, but maintain the parent/child connection.
* Have dinner together every day, with our busy schedules this may be difficult but it's important to make this a family ritual.
When you have dinner together as a family, it's quality time.
You can use this time to keep in touch with their lives, hopes and aspirations.
Teens and other family members can get busy and it's important to have those windows into their lives every day.
Frequent communication is a key to any loving relationship.
Applying some or all of these tips will help in expressing your LOVE to your child, no matter what type they are.
My children know that I am the lovey, huggy type and are prepared when I come near them.
Find the perfect method that works for you and your children and start applying those methods today!