Power of God, Supernatural Power from on High

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I remember the first time I saw God's power in action.
It blew my mind, so to say, to see such a mighty display of supernatural power.
It was so foreign to me as a former Episcopal acolyte.
The manifestations of God's power that I initially witnessed, I did not know whether or not to believe them to be of God.
People fell to the ground as if struck by a bolt of lightning.
To my unrenewed mind such displays of the supernatural seemed strange.
Yet the people who experienced such encounters always came up happy, transformed, and rejoicing.
It was when I discovered the Scriptures regarding the demonstrative power of God that I finally believed.
Signs and wonders are part and parcel of the Gospel.
You cannot take the miraculous out of the Gospel.
We are in the last days and many are presently falling away from the faith.
Much spiritual phony baloney is occurring throughout the earth and deceiving many.
However we cannot overlook and discard the genuine because of the false and counterfeit.
It is quite unfortunate when people get offended and fall away from the faith simply over somebody falling out under God's power.
If God wants to knock somebody out, who are we to forbid Him?After all, He is Almighty God!Some people just need to be knocked out under the anesthesia of the Spirit that they might come up whole and happy.
I would never resist laying on God's operating table.
God can do much in us during such visitations.
Peter the apostle was put in a trance by God (Acts 10), after which He came back a changed man.
Many others have testified to having seen heaven or hell while being in a God sent trance.
Maria Woodworth Etter, a 19th century evangelist, frequently saw people go into trances during her meetings.
God would talk to their spirits while their bodies were frozen.
Though Maria was widely criticized, nobody could equal the miracles that occurred in her ministry.
Nobody could deny that people were brought to salvation through the Spirit's supernatural demonstrations seen in her ministry.
The Salvation Army shook the world when they marched to the gates of hell singing William Booth's battle song.
"We want another Pentecost; Send the Fire, Send the Fire!" Go boldly to the throne of grace in prayer, asking God to send His fire to fill the hearts of His children and empower them for divine service.
There can be no rendering of divine service by humanity apart from deity empowering humanity with fire from heaven.
There shall be no limits to the extent of your divine service when you are expectant in faith, equipped by the Word, and empowered by the Spirit's fire.
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