Breast Cancer Recurrence Symptoms
- A good indication that the breast cancer has recurred is the presence of a lump. This lump could be in the area that was previously affected or the other breast. It may also appear near the underarm, somewhat close to the breast tissue. Usually, it will be about the size of a pea.
- Another fairly common symptom of breast cancer recurrence is a thickening within the breast or chest. The area will generally feel a bit tougher or firmer than before. Much like a lump, this thickening may also manifest closer to the underarm than the actual tissue of the breast or chest.
- As with the two previous symptoms, a clear to cloudy discharge coming from the actual nipple is both as symptom of breast cancer and breast cancer recurrence. This discharge may also carry within it the presence of blood.
- This particular symptom will generally affect more women than men, but there is the potential to see a change in the size and shape of the breast or breast area in either sex. However, both sexes may also see a dimple or indentation somewhere in this region of the body.
- A number of people who have faced the recurrence of breast cancer have also noted a change in the color of the breast or chest area. It will usually as some sort of redness on the breast or chest itself as well as the nipple.