How To Get Him To Notice You - Tips To Attract His Attention And Keep It On You!
Here are some tips on how to get him to notice you and keep his attention locked where it belongs... on YOU:
1. To get a man's attention, you have to know how to mix up sexiness and classiness.
Guys will notice a sexy woman, but unless you combine that sexiness with classiness, he won't think of you in the way that you want him to. Men tend to look at women who come across as being too sexy as being good for a thrill, but not for the long term. So, if you are looking to hook up for a real relationship, you have to combine the two.
2. To get him to notice you, you have to be a confident and secure woman.
Most women are a little neurotic when it comes to dating, and men notice this. So, when he takes a look at you and sees a confident and secure woman, you can bet that he is going to take notice of this. And because he sees you in a positive light, then he is a lot more likely to keep his attention locked on you.
3. Most guys are clueless about when a woman is flirting with them, so clue him in.
There is a thin line that you need to tread when flirting with a guy. But, you do need to make sure that he knows that you are being flirty and not just being friendly. Especially if he is one of the good guys, then he probably is going to want to make sure that you are being more than just friendly, as to not offend you. Keep this in mind when flirting with a guy and realize that sometimes, you have to make him very aware that you are indeed interested in him. Otherwise, he might get the wrong impression and assume that you are not available.