True Prosperity vs. False Prosperity

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Some people don't understand the difference between true prosperity and false prosperity. They believe that in order to be prosperous, a person must have an abundance of money and material goods. While money is a part of the prosperity equation, it is not the whole thing. When we see the word "rich" in the Bible, it refers to wholeness, with nothing missing or broken in your life.

Think of prosperity as a pie with many slices, each one standing for an aspect of God's promises—healing, money, deliverance, a sound mind, a happy marriage, etc. Satan stole the pieces of the pie when Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, but Jesus came to the earth to restore the prosperity pie. True prosperity is having completeness in every area of your life, from your finances to your relationships with others. It is part of the abundant life that God has designed for every Believer.

False prosperity, on the other hand, is often born out of a need for instant gratification. It is having the appearance of prosperity, without the true substance of it. Society teaches us that it is acceptable to purchase luxury items we can't afford on credit, buy now and pay later and if it feels good, do it. This mentality promotes reckless spending that while on the outside may cause a person to look prosperous, is really destroying them. Accumulating debt and buying things on credit is not God's best for your life. He wants you to be a lender and not a borrower because borrowing from others puts you in the position of being the servant of debt. Romans 13:8 says we should owe no man anything but love. When God blesses people with wealth he adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22).

We should want God's best in every area of our lives, especially our finances. After all, it is His will for our lives. Ecclesiastes 5:19, 20 says "…It is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—that is indeed a gift from God. People who do this rarely look with sorrow on the past, for God has given them reasons for joy" (The New Living Translation). Part of God's plan for prosperity means enjoying the fruit of your labor and being able to live a financially sound life.

Many times Believers feel God has left them when they don't experience financial success but God promises to provide for us in every area. He will prosper you in your finances if you release your faith and stand on His Word.

As in any covenant relationship, you have a part in achieving true prosperity. Your job is to walk in love and pursue your Heavenly Father and His Kingdom first, not money or material things (Matthew 6:33). You must also make the Word of God your final authority in life. In doing so, you position yourself for increase.

The Bible says it is impossible to serve God and money. Matthew 6:24 says, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [deceitful riches, money, possessions, or what is trusted in]" (The Amplified Bible). While money makes an excellent servant, it makes a terrible master.

People serve money when their pursuit of it determines every decision they make. This is called materialism; or having a wrong relationship with material things. When you become consumed with thoughts of constantly having more and acquiring more material wealth so that you can indulge it on yourself, or when you get your security from money and material goods, you are serving money. This is wrong.

True prosperity comes from having a solid relationship with the Lord and trusting Him to meet your every need as well as fulfill the desires He places in your heart. He also wants you to have more than enough to share with others. As you walk in obedience to His Word, He will bless you with these things and more. When you are operating in the overflow in every area of your life, you are operating in true prosperity, and are fulfilling His plan for you to be a blessing to others.
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