Specialized marketing and distribution concerns
Medical device marketing is a serious business it is carried on by serious professionals who are known for their traits all over. These people work for the greatest common advantage of the manufacturer / producer / supplier and help in protecting the interests of the local buyer.
These professionals have twofold responsibility, firstly, they have to sell the product according to commands and the wishes of the manufacturer and secondly, they have to respect the opinion of the buyer and resolve all the queries of the buyers related with the product and with the sale.
Personal references are utilized to the fullest in making sales. Since the product being sold is of specialized nature and not in common use, therefore, the potential buyers and potential customers are given free of cost giveaways, tours, seminars and other marketing gimmicks which are aimed at selling the product.
The most favored strategy in this regard is a seminar. These seminars are conducted at a scenic location and they are planned on the weekends. Families of the buyers are also given accommodations and the potential buyer which may include; businessmen, medical practitioners, paramedics staff, technician and doctors, are given presentations and tutorials in the morning and afternoon sessions. This helps in making the decision in the favor of the product and works wonders for the Medical device distributors.
Organizing tours, seminars and giveaways helps the distributor in selling the product; however, customer retention is the key to it all. Since the customers are few so they should be retained at all costs. This requires strenuous after sales, services and support.
The after sales support staff should be experienced, qualified, worthy and willing, he or she should be able to fulfill the requirements of the clients and should keep him satisfied all the time.
The distributors spend thousands of dollars in planning and implementing a support system for the client. They introduce schemes like 24 hour complaint and hotline service. Emergency breakdown response team, which may entail qualified personnel who can be relied upon in the times of trouble.
The support team is very important and it is the support team who is responsible for repeat sales and customers retention. They should be given incentives and bonuses like the sales team as they help the entity in profit making and attaining growth. A proper after sales support team is pivotal to marketing and branding.