Totally Free Dating Sites - How to Spot a Liar
Unfortunately, in these sites, there are also people who just want to have fun and will never be honest with you.
So, how can you find out who is lying and who is actually honest? Below is a short article to help you spot a liar.
If you are also one of the people who join dating sites to look for a life partner, it is very important to know whether a person you are interested is telling you the truth.
Here are some hints that can help you detect whether the person is lying.
Inconsistencies In Comments And Claims One way to detect whether the person you are interested in an online dating site is lying is by paying close attention to the comments and claims made by him/her.
If at one point of time he/she made a comment regarding certain issue and the next moment made a different comment on the same issue, this can be a cause for concern.
Another example is if he/she speaks with an accent and then mentioned that he/she is someone from another country which totally doesn't match the accent, then he/she is definitely trying to pretend to be someone else.
Not Having Enough Personal Information About The Other Party When you sign up with any totally free dating sites, it is important that you should not divulge too much personal information for fear of a possible personal attack or internet frauds that may occur to gain access to your financial information.
However, if you have been chatting with a particular person for a long time and yet still do not know basic personal information like occupation, then this person could be suspicious because he/she does not want to take the risk of being exposed of his/her lie.
Wanting To Move Too Fast You may have met people in totally free dating sites who wanted to take you to a level of relationship which you may feel uncomfortable.
Beware of those who talk dirty most of the time during your online chat.
Then they may request to meet in a hotel for the first meeting.
These individuals are definitely dangerous and you should avoid them at all cost, as they likely wanted to have some fun only.
Just be polite with them and tell them that you want to take things slowly and you are not ready to meet them face to face.