How to Make Sure You Always Have Happy Feet!
While many people take great care with their diet and fitness regime, often they ignore their feet.
In today's busy modern lives, and particularly when wearing fashionable shoes and boots, as many men and women do, it is vital that you pay attention to your feet and give them all the care, consideration and rest they deserve.
Socks are an essential part of caring for your feet.
Traditionally, socks were knitted from wool, and then as cotton started to be used, they were woven into cotton stockings or socks to protect the feet from the leather footwear.
Socks also provide warmth when the weather is cold.
Cotton socks are the best option for men, women and children.
They let your feet breath while keeping them warm, snug and comfortable.
Synthetic materials can often cause feet to sweat and could result in blisters if the wearer is hot or you are walking a lot, or have ill-fitting shoes.
Your feet will endure a great deal of strain in the course of one normal, working day.
Your feet carry the weight of your entire body, and they create an impact cushion every time you take a step.
Our shoes add a further layer of protection against hard or sharp or dangerous surfaces, dirt and weather conditions.
Socks are the perfect way to protect your feet, and give them a layer of protection for warmth and for comfort, between your skin and the shoe.
We all have 26 bones, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons in each of our feet.
Many of the bones are tiny and comparatively fragile.
And if you regularly wear the wrong types of sock and footwear, you can be more susceptible to damaging the bones, muscles and tendons in your feet.
Everyone's feet sweat.
They are meant to sweat.
It is the body's way of keeping the skin soft, and preventing the skin becoming overly dry, and then developing painful cracks.
To avoid this, or any other painful and debilitating skin conditions you should regularly take care of every aspect of your feet.
Corns, Verruca's and Athlete's Foot are all problems which can be prevented by taking special care of your feet.
Keep feet clean, trim the tone nails regularly, keeping them short and straight.
Remove any hard skin with good quality pumice stones, or hard skin removal creams.
When you get dressed, make sure your feet are completely dry.
Dry all the spaces between your toes, and wear cotton so that your skin can breathe.
Always try to wear the right footwear for the activity you will be engaging in throughout the day.
For ladies, if you want to wear attractive fashion shoes in the office, but have a long commute including a sizable walk, consider wearing walking shoes and taking your court shoes with you.
For men and women who enjoy sports, always make sure you are wearing the correct sport shoe for your chosen activity.
For example, running shoes are very different to tennis or squash shoes.
Protect your feet from harm during sports by wearing the right sports socks and sports shoes.
Try to have a regular foot massage and pedicure done, at least once a month.
This will keep your toe nails and the skin of your feet in good condition, and the massage will keep the circulation in your feet healthy.
Finally, don't forget to rest your feet.
Spend at least a couple of hours every day with bare feet or in your stocking feet.
This will let your feet relax from being confined by shoes, and will strengthen your ankles and arches.