What Would You Do If You Needed Money By Tomorrow
As I was thinking and trying to come up with this wonderful idea, it hit me, I could just offer to write articles for online business owners. I was introduced to article marketing several years ago by a company that I use to work for so I knew just how important it was to most, if not all online business owners. I'm not going to go into deep detail here, but in a nutshell article marketing is one of the best ways to generate traffic to website. The problem is that it takes a great deal of time to pump out quality article after quality article.
So I knew that I could use my writing skills to make some money by helping these online business owners write articles and get traffic to their sites. So I went to a site called the warrior forum and posted an ad offering to write 250-300 word articles for just $3 each. I made the price $3 each because I knew it would grab peoples attention and I made it a 48 hour special so people would jump on it and purchase my services quickly. And boy did it work like a charm. I had over $300 worth of orders my very first day and by the end of the 48 hours, I had made $648. So if you want to make some fast money online, this is the way to go.