Lifecycle Of Domain Name
Domaining or domain name age depends upon two factors.
1)Website Age
2)Domain Name registration length
Before we determine the age of domain name, lets have a look on the life cycle of domaining.
Availability As soon as a business idea pops into your mind, you need to research the available domain name options and choose the one you want and register it. To register a specific domain name, it has to be available for registration. It could be one which has never been registered before or could be one which has already completed one or more domain cycles.
Active Domain Name Domain names remain active for the period it has been registered for. Domain names can be registered for minimum one year and maximum ten years at a time. However, few country specific domain names like domain names in UK and Australia can be registered for shorter periods. When the active period of a registration name is nearing the end of its active period, an email is sent to the owner for its renewal. If it is not renewed, the domain name expires.
Expired If the registrants do not renew the domain name before the expiry date, it expires. However, the registrar may hold the domain name up to 45 days to allow the registrant to re register the domain name and reactivate the expired domain name. During this hold period, the registrar does not transfer the domain name to anybody else. Few registrars provide additional redemption and grace period for re registration of the domain name after expiry with an additional fee. If the registrant does not renew the domain name in this last period, the domain name is made public and anyone can now register it.