Tonka Ricochet - The Unstoppable Invention From Tonka
Most of those toys are made after trucks.
The term "Tonka Trucks" is very popular throughout the country.
However, many years have passed ever since and so many things have changed.
Although Tonka Truck is still popular, Tonka made various other choices as well.
One of its latest invention is the Tonka Ricochet 4x4 RC.
Will this toy be able to continue the legacy of Tonka toys? Let's take a closer look.
First of all, what is the meaning of the word "Tonka"? It is a Dakota-Sioux word which means "Great" or "Big".
It could also be used to describe something strong or tough.
Actually, this idea is applicable to almost all Tonka products.
Tonka Ricochet is definitely one of them.
It is 19 inches long and has 5 inches diameter tires with an incredibly low-slung design.
Interestingly, you could drive it upside down (the Car and Truck Mode).
However, the "Car Mode" will give you better control and traction; make it suitable for flat terrains.
In the other hand, the "Truck Mode" will enable you to cross through the grassy and rocky terrains.
The control may not as smooth as when it's in Car Mode, however when you want to go wild, this mode is the perfect choice.
Ones may wonder, how could a toy this low is able to cross through the rocky terrains? Yes, in both the Car and Truck Mode, it's very difficult for Tonka Ricochet RC to do that.
However, thanks to the Monster Lift Suspension (available only in the Truck Mode), it managed to cross all those difficult terrains.
Just press the activation button and see the low-design Tonka Ricochet transforms into an elevated monster-sized rig.
In this mode, it's simply unstoppable! Another unique feature of Tonka Ricochet 4x4 RC, is the ability to maneuver.
While most RC cars use only their front wheels, this toy is designed to move in a serpent-like movements, just like a 4WD trucks.
It's suitable for kids eight years and up.
They will jump for the twist and flip movements produced.
Conclusion:Tonka Ricochet seems able to continue the legacy of other Tonka products.
The only down side is the battery life.
It consumes so many power that 4-hours charging will provide you roughly 1-hour playing time.
It's a good idea to get another spare battery.